Diverticulitis, surgery, evidence-based medicine, and the Steve Jobs' dots: a narrative review.

Acute diverticulitis Hartmann procedure Laparoscopy Peritoneal lavage Resection with or without a stoma


European journal of trauma and emergency surgery : official publication of the European Trauma Society
ISSN: 1863-9941
Titre abrégé: Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg
Pays: Germany
ID NLM: 101313350

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
25 Sep 2023
received: 13 05 2023
accepted: 27 08 2023
medline: 25 9 2023
pubmed: 25 9 2023
entrez: 25 9 2023
Statut: aheadofprint


Emergency treatment of acute diverticulitis remains a hazy field. Despite a number of clinical studies, randomized controlled trials (RCTs), guidelines and surgical societies recommendations, the most critical hot topics have yet to be addressed. Literature research from 1963 until today was performed. Data regarding the principal RCTs and observational studies were summarized in descriptive tables. In particular we aimed to focus on the following topics: the role of laparoscopy, the acute care setting, the RCTs, guidelines, observational studies and classifications proposed by literature, the problem in case of a pandemic, and the importance of adapting treatment /place/surgeon conditions. In the evaluation of these points we did not try to find any prospective evolution of the concepts achievements. On the contrary we simply report the individuals strands of research from a retrospective point of view, similarly to what Steve Jobes said: "you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future". We have finally obtained what can be defined "a narrative review of the literature on diverticulitis". Not only evidence-based medicine but also the contextualization, as also the role of 'competent' surgeons, should guide to novel approach in acute diverticulitis management.


pubmed: 37747500
doi: 10.1007/s00068-023-02362-1
pii: 10.1007/s00068-023-02362-1

Types de publication

Journal Article Review



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Informations de copyright

© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany.


Dr Stefan Sauerland. Personal communication. Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG), Köln (IQWiG) – Department of Non-Drug Interventions)
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Ferdinando Agresta (F)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Giulia Montori (G)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy. giulia.montori@gmail.com.

Mauro Podda (M)

Department of Surgical Science, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy.

Monica Ortenzi (M)

Clinica di Chirurgia Generale e d'Urgenza, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.

Alessio Giordano (A)

Surgery Department, Emergency Surgery Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy.

Carlo Bergamini (C)

Surgery Department, Emergency Surgery Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy.

Giorgio Mazzarolo (G)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Edelweiss Licitra (E)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Tobia Gobbi (T)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Giuseppa Procida (G)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Andrea Dal Borgo (AD)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Emanuele Botteri (E)

ASST Spedali Civili Brescia, P.O. Montichiari, Brescia, Italy.

Luca Ansaloni (L)

Unit of General Surgery I, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Paola Fugazzola (P)

Unit of General Surgery I, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy.

Grazia Savino (G)

Unit of General and Emergency Surgery, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Via C. Forlanini 71, 31029, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Mario Guerrieri (M)

Clinica di Chirurgia Generale e d'Urgenza, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.

Fabio Cesare Campanile (FC)

Director of Surgery, Ospedale San Giovanni Decollato Andosilla, ASL, VT, Italy.

Alberto Sartori (A)

Department of General Surgery, Ospedale di Montebelluna, Montebelluna, Italy.

Wanda Petz (W)

Division of Digestive Surgery, IEO European Institute of Oncology IRCCS, 20141, Milan, Italy.

Gianfranco Silecchia (G)

Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies, University La Sapienza of Rome, Latina, Italy.

Salomone di Saverio (S)

Department of General Surgery, ASUR Marche, AV5, Hospital of San Benedetto del Tronto, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy.

Fausto Catena (F)

Department of Surgery, "Bufalini" Hospital, Cesena, Italy.

Antonino Agrusa (A)

Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological Disciplines, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy.

Michelangelo Salemi (M)

Medical Director of ULSS 2Trevigiana, Vittorio Veneto Hospital, Vittorio Veneto, TV, Italy.

Salvador Morales-Conde (S)

University Hospital Virgen del Rocío, Seville, Spain.

Alberto Arezzo (A)

Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Torino, Torino, Italy.

Classifications MeSH