[eIF4E-mediated resistance to potyviruses in plants: from natural alleles to edited genes].

Rôle des facteurs d’initiation de la traduction 4E dans la résistance des plantes aux potyvirus : de la découverte des résistances naturelles à l’édition des gènes.


Virologie (Montrouge, France)
ISSN: 1267-8694
Titre abrégé: Virologie (Montrouge)
Pays: France
ID NLM: 9802575

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
01 08 2023
medline: 14 8 2023
pubmed: 11 8 2023
entrez: 11 8 2023
Statut: ppublish


Resistance to viruses is an important aspect of plant breeding. One way to achieve it is to select genetic resistances based on the susceptibility factors hijacked by the virus to infect the plants. Here, we recount work done on genes encoding translation initiation factors eIF4E, some of the most successful targets for obtaining resistance to potyviruses, starting from their characterization 20 years ago. With examples from different plant species, pepper, tomato, tobacco and arabidopsis, we present the basis of this type of resistances and their characteristics, highlighting the role of gene redundancy among 4E factors, their specificity for the virus and the need for the plant of a trade-off between resistance and development. Finally, we show how the new genome editing techniques could be used in plant breeding to develop eIF4E-based resistances in crops, mimicking the functional alleles that have been selected during evolution in many crops.


pubmed: 37565678
pii: vir.2023.1012
doi: 10.1684/vir.2023.1012

Substances chimiques

Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-4E 0

Types de publication

English Abstract Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Jean-Luc Gallois (JL)

Inrae, GAFL, Montfavet, France.

Sylvie German-Retana (S)

UMR 1332, Biologie du fruit et pathologie, Inrae, Univ. Bordeaux, Équipe de Virologie, 71 avenue Edouard-Bourlaux, CS 20032, 33882 Villenave d'Ornon cedex, France.

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