Longitudinal Alterations of Cerebral Blood Flow in High-Contact Sports.
Annals of neurology
ISSN: 1531-8249
Titre abrégé: Ann Neurol
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 7707449
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
09 2023
09 2023
Repetitive head trauma is common in high-contact sports. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) can measure changes in brain perfusion that could indicate injury. Longitudinal studies with a control group are necessary to account for interindividual and developmental effects. We investigated whether exposure to head impacts causes longitudinal CBF changes. We prospectively studied 63 American football (high-contact cohort) and 34 volleyball (low-contact controls) male collegiate athletes, tracking CBF using 3D pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging for up to 4 years. Regional relative CBF (rCBF, normalized to cerebellar CBF) was computed after co-registering to T1-weighted images. A linear mixed effects model assessed the relationship of rCBF to sport, time, and their interaction. Within football players, we modeled rCBF against position-based head impact risk and baseline Standardized Concussion Assessment Tool score. Additionally, we evaluated early (1-5 days) and delayed (3-6 months) post-concussion rCBF changes (in-study concussion). Supratentorial gray matter rCBF declined in football compared with volleyball (sport-time interaction p = 0.012), with a strong effect in the parietal lobe (p = 0.002). Football players with higher position-based impact-risk had lower occipital rCBF over time (interaction p = 0.005), whereas players with lower baseline Standardized Concussion Assessment Tool score (worse performance) had relatively decreased rCBF in the cingulate-insula over time (interaction effect p = 0.007). Both cohorts showed a left-right rCBF asymmetry that decreased over time. Football players with an in-study concussion showed an early increase in occipital lobe rCBF (p = 0.0166). These results suggest head impacts may result in an early increase in rCBF, but cumulatively a long-term decrease in rCBF. ANN NEUROL 2023;94:457-469.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Sous-ensembles de citation
457-469Informations de copyright
© 2023 American Neurological Association.
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