Diagnostic significance of hsa_circ_0000146 and hsa_circ_0000072 biomarkers for Diabetic Kidney Disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

cannabinoid receptor 1 circ_0000072 circ_0000146 diabetic kidney disease miR-21 miR-495


Journal of medical biochemistry
ISSN: 1452-8258
Titre abrégé: J Med Biochem
Pays: Serbia
ID NLM: 101315490

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
15 Mar 2023
received: 17 05 2022
accepted: 21 09 2022
medline: 30 3 2023
entrez: 29 3 2023
pubmed: 30 3 2023
Statut: ppublish


Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) is a significant challenge in healthcare. However, there are currently no reliable biomarkers for renal impairment diagnosis, prognosis, or staging in DKD patients. CircRNAs and microRNAs have emerged as noninvasive and efficient biomarkers. We explored Cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1), C reactive protein (CRP), hsa_circ_ 0000146 and 0000072, and hsa-miR-21 and 495 as diagnostic biomarkers in DKD. The serum concentrations of CRP and CNR1 were measured using ELISA. Rt-qPCR was used to evaluate the expression levels of CNR1, circRNAs, and miRNAs in 55 controls, 55 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, and 55 DKD patients. Their diagnostic value was determined by their ROC curve. KEGG pathway was used to predict the functional mechanism of the circRNA's target genes. DKD patients exhibited a significant increase in CRP and CNR1 levels and the expression of miR-21 and 495. The expression levels of circ_0000146 and 0000072 decreased in DKD patients. ROC analysis revealed that circRNAs and miRNAs alone or CNR1 and CRP have significant diagnostic potential. The functional prediction results showed the involvement of hsa_circ_0000146 and 0000072 in various pathways that regulate DKD. Therefore, the examined circRNAs and miRNAs may represent a novel noninvasive biomarker for diagnosing and staging DKD. Dibetesna bolest bubrega (DKD) predstavlja značajan izazov u zdravstvu. Međutim, trenutno ne postoje pouzdani biomarkeri za dijagnozu, prognozu ili određivanje stadijuma oštećenja bubrega kod pacijenata sa DKD. CircRNA i mikroRNA su se pojavili kao neinvazivni i efikasni biomarkeri. Istražili smo kanabinoidni receptor 1 (CNR1), C reaktivni protein (CRP), hsa_circ_ 0000146 i 0000072, i hsa-miR-21 i 495 kao dijagnostičke biomarkere za DKD. Koncentracije CRP i CNR1 u serumu su merene korišćenjem ELISA. Rt-kPCR je korišćen za procenu nivoa ekspresije CNR1, circRNA i miRNA kod 55 kontrolnih pacijenata, 55 pacijenata sa dijabetes melitusom tipa 2 i 55 pacijenata sa DKD. Njihova dijagnostička vrednost određena je njihovom ROC krivom. Za predviđanje funkcionalnog mehanizma ciljnih gena circRNA korišćena je KEGG mapa puteva. Pacijenti sa DKD su pokazali značajno povećanje nivoa CRP i CNR1 i ekspresije miR-21 i 495. Nivoi ekspresije circ_0000146 i 0000072 su se smanjili kod pacijenata sa DKD. ROC analiza je otkrila da samo circRNA i miRNA ili CNR1 i CRP imaju značajan dijagnostički potencijal. Rezultati funkcionalnog predviđanja pokazali su učešće hsa_circ_0000146 i 0000072 u različitim putevima koji regulišu DKD. Stoga, ispitivani circRNA i miRNA mogu predstavljati novi neinvazivni biomarker za dijagnostikovanje i određivanje stadijuma DKD.

Sections du résumé

Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) is a significant challenge in healthcare. However, there are currently no reliable biomarkers for renal impairment diagnosis, prognosis, or staging in DKD patients. CircRNAs and microRNAs have emerged as noninvasive and efficient biomarkers.
We explored Cannabinoid receptor 1 (CNR1), C reactive protein (CRP), hsa_circ_ 0000146 and 0000072, and hsa-miR-21 and 495 as diagnostic biomarkers in DKD. The serum concentrations of CRP and CNR1 were measured using ELISA. Rt-qPCR was used to evaluate the expression levels of CNR1, circRNAs, and miRNAs in 55 controls, 55 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, and 55 DKD patients. Their diagnostic value was determined by their ROC curve. KEGG pathway was used to predict the functional mechanism of the circRNA's target genes.
DKD patients exhibited a significant increase in CRP and CNR1 levels and the expression of miR-21 and 495. The expression levels of circ_0000146 and 0000072 decreased in DKD patients. ROC analysis revealed that circRNAs and miRNAs alone or CNR1 and CRP have significant diagnostic potential. The functional prediction results showed the involvement of hsa_circ_0000146 and 0000072 in various pathways that regulate DKD.
Conclusions UNASSIGNED
Therefore, the examined circRNAs and miRNAs may represent a novel noninvasive biomarker for diagnosing and staging DKD.
Dibetesna bolest bubrega (DKD) predstavlja značajan izazov u zdravstvu. Međutim, trenutno ne postoje pouzdani biomarkeri za dijagnozu, prognozu ili određivanje stadijuma oštećenja bubrega kod pacijenata sa DKD. CircRNA i mikroRNA su se pojavili kao neinvazivni i efikasni biomarkeri.
Istražili smo kanabinoidni receptor 1 (CNR1), C reaktivni protein (CRP), hsa_circ_ 0000146 i 0000072, i hsa-miR-21 i 495 kao dijagnostičke biomarkere za DKD. Koncentracije CRP i CNR1 u serumu su merene korišćenjem ELISA. Rt-kPCR je korišćen za procenu nivoa ekspresije CNR1, circRNA i miRNA kod 55 kontrolnih pacijenata, 55 pacijenata sa dijabetes melitusom tipa 2 i 55 pacijenata sa DKD. Njihova dijagnostička vrednost određena je njihovom ROC krivom. Za predviđanje funkcionalnog mehanizma ciljnih gena circRNA korišćena je KEGG mapa puteva.
Pacijenti sa DKD su pokazali značajno povećanje nivoa CRP i CNR1 i ekspresije miR-21 i 495. Nivoi ekspresije circ_0000146 i 0000072 su se smanjili kod pacijenata sa DKD. ROC analiza je otkrila da samo circRNA i miRNA ili CNR1 i CRP imaju značajan dijagnostički potencijal. Rezultati funkcionalnog predviđanja pokazali su učešće hsa_circ_0000146 i 0000072 u različitim putevima koji regulišu DKD.
Stoga, ispitivani circRNA i miRNA mogu predstavljati novi neinvazivni biomarker za dijagnostikovanje i određivanje stadijuma DKD.

Autres résumés

Type: Publisher (srp)
Dibetesna bolest bubrega (DKD) predstavlja značajan izazov u zdravstvu. Međutim, trenutno ne postoje pouzdani biomarkeri za dijagnozu, prognozu ili određivanje stadijuma oštećenja bubrega kod pacijenata sa DKD. CircRNA i mikroRNA su se pojavili kao neinvazivni i efikasni biomarkeri.


pubmed: 36987415
doi: 10.5937/jomb0-39361
pii: jomb-42-2-2302239B
pmc: PMC10040202

Types de publication

Journal Article





Informations de copyright

2023 Amul M. Badr, Omayma Elkholy, Mona Said, Sally A. Fahim, Mohamed El-Khatib, Dina Sabry, Radwa M. Gaber, published by CEON/CEES.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

All the authors declare that they have no conflict of interest in this work.Conflict of Interest: The authors stated that they have no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.


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Amul M Badr (AM)

Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Cairo, Egypt.

Omayma Elkholy (O)

Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Cairo, Egypt.

Mona Said (M)

Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Cairo, Egypt.

Sally A Fahim (SA)

Newgiza University (NGU), School of Pharmacy, Department of Biochemistry, Newgiza, Giza, Egypt.

Mohamed El-Khatib (M)

Cairo University, Kasr El-Aini Medical School, Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Section, Cairo, Egypt.

Dina Sabry (D)

Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Cairo, Egypt.

Radwa M Gaber (RM)

Cairo University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, Cairo, Egypt.

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