Towards standardizing basophil identification by flow cytometry.

CBC (complete blood count) basophil actication test basophil activating test (BAT) basophil identification markers flow cytometry


Frontiers in allergy
ISSN: 2673-6101
Titre abrégé: Front Allergy
Pays: Switzerland
ID NLM: 9918227355906676

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 28 12 2022
accepted: 27 01 2023
entrez: 20 3 2023
pubmed: 21 3 2023
medline: 21 3 2023
Statut: epublish


Basophils normally make up <2% of the white blood cells (WBC). There is no clear consensus for basophil identification by flow cytometry. The increased demand for basophil activation test (BAT) to identifying and monitoring allergic patients highlights the need for a standardized approach to identify basophils. Using flow cytometry we analyzed whole blood stained with antibodies against: IgE, CD123, CD193, CD203c, CD3, HLADR, FcɛRI, CRTH2 and CD45. We examined unstimulated blood as well as blood stimulated with Anti-IgE and fMLP. Finally, we compared the results to a complete blood count (CBC) from an FDA approved hematological analyzer. Basophil identification relying on just one surface marker performed worse than approaches utilizing two identification markers. The percentage of basophils from WBC determined by flow cytometry results had a good correlation with the CBC results even though the CBC results were generally higher. Stimulating whole blood with the basophil activators did not interfere with the basophil identification markers. In flow cytometry assays, two surface markers should be used for identifying basophils and if a very pure basophil fraction is desired a third marker can be considered. In our hands the approaches that included CD123 in combination with either CD193, HLADR

Sections du résumé

Basophils normally make up <2% of the white blood cells (WBC). There is no clear consensus for basophil identification by flow cytometry. The increased demand for basophil activation test (BAT) to identifying and monitoring allergic patients highlights the need for a standardized approach to identify basophils.
Using flow cytometry we analyzed whole blood stained with antibodies against: IgE, CD123, CD193, CD203c, CD3, HLADR, FcɛRI, CRTH2 and CD45. We examined unstimulated blood as well as blood stimulated with Anti-IgE and fMLP. Finally, we compared the results to a complete blood count (CBC) from an FDA approved hematological analyzer.
Basophil identification relying on just one surface marker performed worse than approaches utilizing two identification markers. The percentage of basophils from WBC determined by flow cytometry results had a good correlation with the CBC results even though the CBC results were generally higher. Stimulating whole blood with the basophil activators did not interfere with the basophil identification markers.
In flow cytometry assays, two surface markers should be used for identifying basophils and if a very pure basophil fraction is desired a third marker can be considered. In our hands the approaches that included CD123 in combination with either CD193, HLADR


pubmed: 36938328
doi: 10.3389/falgy.2023.1133378
pmc: PMC10020589

Types de publication

Journal Article





Informations de copyright

© 2023 Sonder, Plassmeyer, Loizou and Alpan.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

Author SUS, MP and DL are employed by Amerimmune. OA is the owner of Amerimmune. This study was funded by resources internally at Amerimmune. The funder (OA) had the following involvement with the study: Approved study design and the final manuscript. All authors declare no other competing interests.


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Soren Ulrik Sonder (SU)

Amerimmune, McLean, VA, United States.

Matthew Plassmeyer (M)

Amerimmune, McLean, VA, United States.

Denise Loizou (D)

Amerimmune, McLean, VA, United States.

Oral Alpan (O)

Amerimmune, McLean, VA, United States.

Classifications MeSH