Epidemiological characteristics of a protracted and widespread measles outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 2018 - 2020.


The Pan African medical journal
ISSN: 1937-8688
Titre abrégé: Pan Afr Med J
Pays: Uganda
ID NLM: 101517926

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 22 03 2022
accepted: 06 07 2022
entrez: 21 11 2022
pubmed: 22 11 2022
medline: 23 11 2022
Statut: epublish


measles is a highly contagious viral disease. Since 2011, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) has had the first dose measles vaccination coverage of less than 80% according to the World Health Organization - United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (WHO-UNICEF) coverage estimates, and measles mass vaccination coverage of less than the required coverage level of 95% by survey. Starting in August 2018, the country experienced an increase in measles case reports which continued through to early 2020. Epidemiological aspects of the outbreak are described in this article. we analysed aggregate weekly passive surveillance data from the DR Congo for the years 2018 - 2020 to understand the trends of occurrence of suspected measles cases. We also analysed the measles case-based surveillance database to understand the epidemiological characteristics of confirmed cases of measles and rubella during the same period of time. a total of 458,156 suspected measles cases and 8,127 deaths were reported between 1 the recent gaps in vaccination coverage, the age pattern of confirmed cases and the lack of vaccination history in the majority of cases is suggestive of failure to vaccinate as the likely cause of this large and protracted outbreak. Efforts to improve vaccination coverage and the measles surveillance system are needed in order to prevent the occurrence of future outbreaks and to avert measles-related deaths.


pubmed: 36405650
doi: 10.11604/pamj.2022.42.282.34410
pii: PAMJ-42-282
pmc: PMC9636736

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Organisme : World Health Organization
ID : 001
Pays : International

Informations de copyright

Copyright: Vincent Dossou Sodjinou et al.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

The authors declare no competing interest.


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Vincent Dossou Sodjinou (VD)

World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, Brazzaville, Congo.

Marcellin Nimpa Mengouo (MN)

World Health Organization Country Office for Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Alfred Douba (A)

Public Health Department, Felix Houphouet Boigny University, Abidjan-Cocody, Cote d'Ivoire.

Patricia Tanifum (P)

World Health Organization Intercountry Team for Central Africa, Libreville, Gabon.

Moise Desire Yapi (MD)

World Health Organization Country Office for Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Kanyiga Robert Kuzanwa (KR)

World Health Organization Country Office for Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

John Samuel Otomba (JS)

World Health Organization Country Office for Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Balcha Masresha (B)

World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa, Brazzaville, Congo.

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