Cingulate sulcus morphology and paracingulate sulcus variations: Anatomical and radiological studies.
Brodmann's area 32
anterior cingulate cortex
gyrus cinguli
Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.)
ISSN: 1098-2353
Titre abrégé: Clin Anat
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 8809128
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Mar 2023
Mar 2023
The sulci and gyri found across the cerebrum differ in morphology between individuals. The cingulate sulcus is an important landmark for deciding the surgical approach for neighboring pathological lesions. Identifying the anatomical variations of anterior cingulate cortex morphology would help to determine the safe-entry route through neighboring lesions. In this study, magnetic resonance imaging data acquired from 149 healthy volunteers were investigated retrospectively for anatomical variations of the paracingulate sulcus. Also, human cadaveric brain hemispheres were investigated for cingulate and paracingulate sulcus anatomy. All participants had cingulate sulci in both hemispheres (n = 149, 100%). Three types of paracingulate sulcus patterns were identified: "prominent," "present," and "absent." Hemispheric comparisons indicated that the paracingulate sulcus is commonly "prominent" in the left hemisphere (n = 48, 32.21%) and more commonly "absent" in the right hemisphere (n = 73, 48.99%). Ten (6.71%) people had a prominent paracingulate sulcus in both the right and left hemispheres. Seven (4.70%) of them were male, and 3 (2.01%) of them were female. Paracingulate sulci were present in both hemispheres in 19 people (12.75%), of which 9 (6.04%) were male and 10 (6.71%) were female. There were 35 (23.49%) participants without paracingulate sulci in both hemispheres. Eleven (7.38%) were male and 24 (16.11%) were female. There were 73 (48.99%) participants without right paracingulate sulcus and 57 (38.26%) participants without left paracingulate sulcus (p = 0.019). In the examinations of the cadaver hemispheres, the paracingulate sulcus was present and prominent in 25%, and the intralimbic sulcus was present in 15%. It has been observed that the paracingulate sulcus is more prominent in the normal male brain compared to females. In females, there were more participants without paracingulate sulcus. This study shows that there are both hemispheric and sex differences in the anatomy of the paracingulate sulcus. Understanding the cingulate sulcus anatomy and considering the variations in the anterior cingulate cortex morphology during surgery will help surgeons to orient this elegant and complex area.
Types de publication
Journal Article
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© 2022 American Association of Clinical Anatomists and British Association of Clinical Anatomists.
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