Putting the system in systemic racism: A systems thinking approach to advancing equity.
racial equity
social justice
systemic racism
systems change
systems thinking
American journal of community psychology
ISSN: 1573-2770
Titre abrégé: Am J Community Psychol
Pays: England
ID NLM: 0364535
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
06 2023
06 2023
Generations of scholars and activists have argued that racial inequities emerge not only because of racist ideologies but also from a hierarchical system of racial oppression. This theoretical tradition has highlighted numerous ways in which systemic racism manifests itself, from racist policies to differential access to material conditions and power. However, given that by definition systemic racism is focused on systems, theories of systemic racism would be more comprehensive and actionable by drawing on scholarship related to systems thinking. Systems thinking is a conceptual orientation that aims to understand how different types of systems function over time. This paper builds on the work of previous scholars to propose a systems thinking approach to understand and strategically disrupt racist systems. We provide a typology of system characteristics (organized into the categories of paradigms, structures, elements, and feedback loops) that together can be used to help understand the operation of systemic racism in different system contexts. The paper also provides an approach to identify and strategically target multiple system leverage points to simultaneously disrupt the status quo of racial inequity and promote the emergence of conditions enabling racial equity. This systems thinking approach can be used to guide learning and action within an ongoing process of antiracist praxis.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
274-286Informations de copyright
© 2022 Society for Community Research and Action.
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