Ethno-pharmacological and industrial attributes on the underutilized Arenga species in India.
health benefits
industrial crop
sugar palm
under-utilized plant
Journal of food biochemistry
ISSN: 1745-4514
Titre abrégé: J Food Biochem
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 7706045
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
12 2022
12 2022
The genus Arenga belongs to the Arecaceae family, which has a significant economic value. Several species of this genus have a decent potential of becoming an industrial crop. In India, four species of the genus, namely Arenga pinnata, A. obtusifolia, A. micranta, and A. wightii have been reported. These species have not been cultivated on a commercial scale in most of the growing regions. People use this plant directly from the forest or those produced in their backyard, even though productivity is minimal. To date, several studies from throughout the world have reported numerous beneficial roles of such species. Proper use of such plants or their products has immense significance in the food, fiber, and pharmaceutical industry. These plants are also recognized as ecologically significant plants. In this article, we have presented an up-to-date review on the species of Arenga reported from India along with their potential utility as industrial crops. This review is motivated by the desire to produce many eco-friendly resources from A. pinnata and other species of Arenga, which can contribute to an increase in the standard of living and economy of many nations, including India. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS: Arenga has a lot of potential as medicinal as well as industrial raw materials. Despite this, these plants are somehow underutilized and have not gained much attention in international trade. In this communication, we have presented some aspects of these plants by reviewing many research articles and conference proceedings. The utilization of these plants as traditional medicine serves an important part in basic health care for many people in developing nations. Gradual study and clinical trial of different formulations of these plants can explore novel drugs for some critical disorders. We also highlighted the industrial uses of these species. Biofuel and fiber obtained from A. pinnata have been appreciated by the researchers. This article points out some attributes of these plants that required further improvement. Botanists and phytochemists will appreciate the description of the medicinal properties of these plants and the biological data provided in the article.
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© 2022 Wiley Periodicals LLC.
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