Tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during transvaginal hydro laparoscopy, a case report.


Facts, views & vision in ObGyn
ISSN: 2032-0418
Titre abrégé: Facts Views Vis Obgyn
Pays: Belgium
ID NLM: 101578773

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Jun 2022
entrez: 5 7 2022
pubmed: 6 7 2022
medline: 6 7 2022
Statut: ppublish


Oil-based contrast has been shown to have a fertility-enhancing effect during hysterosalpingography (HSG) but is not yet used during transvaginal hydro laparoscopy (THL). To asses if additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL is feasible. Case report with video assessment. A healthy 29-year-old woman with primary unexplained subfertility, underwent a THL under local anaesthesia. First, chromopertubation was performed by methylene blue. Afterwards, tubal flushing with 3mL oil-based contrast (Lipiodol® UltraFluid, Guerbet) was performed. In this case report we evaluated the feasibility of additional tubal flushing with oil- based contrast during THL, in terms of; the visibility of the oil-based contrast at the tubal fimbriae, the pain and acceptability scores. Both fallopian tubes were patent to methylene-blue as well as to oil-based contrast. Interestingly, the oil-based contrast came out of the fallopian tube in the form of free droplets with strong internal bonding. Furthermore, some residue of the droplets was visible on the surface of the peritoneal wall in the form of oily micro-droplets. We present the first sub-fertile woman, in which additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL was performed. It is likely, that the residue of oily micro-droplets is also present inside the fallopian tube, where it may enhance the cilia movement by introducing lubrication. These lubricating characteristics of the oil-based contrast may be important for its fertility-enhancing effect. More research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis and the feasibility of tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL in more women.

Sections du résumé

Oil-based contrast has been shown to have a fertility-enhancing effect during hysterosalpingography (HSG) but is not yet used during transvaginal hydro laparoscopy (THL).
To asses if additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL is feasible.
Materials and Methods UNASSIGNED
Case report with video assessment. A healthy 29-year-old woman with primary unexplained subfertility, underwent a THL under local anaesthesia. First, chromopertubation was performed by methylene blue. Afterwards, tubal flushing with 3mL oil-based contrast (Lipiodol® UltraFluid, Guerbet) was performed.
Main Outcome Measures UNASSIGNED
In this case report we evaluated the feasibility of additional tubal flushing with oil- based contrast during THL, in terms of; the visibility of the oil-based contrast at the tubal fimbriae, the pain and acceptability scores.
Both fallopian tubes were patent to methylene-blue as well as to oil-based contrast. Interestingly, the oil-based contrast came out of the fallopian tube in the form of free droplets with strong internal bonding. Furthermore, some residue of the droplets was visible on the surface of the peritoneal wall in the form of oily micro-droplets.
Conclusions UNASSIGNED
We present the first sub-fertile woman, in which additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL was performed. It is likely, that the residue of oily micro-droplets is also present inside the fallopian tube, where it may enhance the cilia movement by introducing lubrication. These lubricating characteristics of the oil-based contrast may be important for its fertility-enhancing effect. More research is necessary to confirm this hypothesis and the feasibility of tubal flushing with oil-based contrast during THL in more women.


pubmed: 35781116
doi: 10.52054/FVVO.14.2.019
pmc: PMC10191714

Types de publication

Journal Article






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