[Realities for a Sickle Cell Disease Control Strategy in the World Health Organization African Region].

Réalités pour une stratégie de lutte contre la drépanocytose dans la région africaine de l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé: Compte rendu du 7


Medecine tropicale et sante internationale
ISSN: 2778-2034
Titre abrégé: Med Trop Sante Int
Pays: France
ID NLM: 9918227363206676

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
31 03 2021
entrez: 10 6 2022
pubmed: 18 2 2021
medline: 14 6 2022
Statut: epublish


The Network for the Study of Sickle Cell Disease in Central Africa or REDAC, is a network of African, European and American researchers whose aim is to combat sickle cell disease. Its congresses take place every year in the partner countries with international symposia alternating with workshops. REDAC enables host countries to obtain from local authorities a real involvement in the fight through resolutions in line with national strategies of fight. The Seventh International Symposium of REDAC was held in 2018 in Antananarivo, Madagascar under the auspices of the Malagasy Minister of Health and the Malagasy Senate Authorities. The theme chosen was that of strategies to combat sickle cell disease recommended by the WHO. The presentations focused on neonatal screening, early diagnosis, management of sickle cell disease and new therapies (marrow transplant, gene therapy and treatment with hydroxyurea).


pubmed: 35685395
doi: 10.48327/PSMF-0S04
pmc: PMC9128473

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation


Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2021 SFMTSI.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

Les auteurs ne déclarent aucun conflit d’intérêts. Fig. 2Vue sur Antanarivo depuis la salle de conférence du 7e symposium du REDAC a Madagascar View of Antanarivo from the conference room of the 7th symposium of the REDAC in Madagascar


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pubmed: 23874164
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Am J Hematol. 2018 Aug;93(4):537-545
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B Ngasia (B)

Centre Hospitalier Alliance, et Programme National de Lutte Contre la Drépanocytose (PNLCD), Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo.

L Tshilolo (L)

Centre de Formation et d'Appui sanitaire (CEFA) et Centre Hospitalier Monkole, République Démocratique du Congo.

G Loko (G)

Centre Hospitalier de la Martinique, Guadeloupe, France.

C Vodouhe (C)

DORYS, Association de Lutte Contre la Drépanocytose, Strasbourg, France.

G Wamba (G)

Service Médical, Centre Hospitalier d'Essos, Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance Sociale, Yaoundé, Cameroun.

J-P Gonzalez (JP)

Center of Excellence for Emerging & Zoonotic Animal Disease, CEEZAD, Kansas State University, Office Park, 1800 Kimball Ave, Suite 130, Manhattan, KS, 66502, USA.

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