Breast Reconstruction by Exclusive Lipofilling after Total Mastectomy for Breast Cancer: Description of the Technique and Evaluation of Quality of Life.
breast cancer
breast reconstruction
fat grafting
reconstructive surgery
Journal of personalized medicine
ISSN: 2075-4426
Titre abrégé: J Pers Med
Pays: Switzerland
ID NLM: 101602269
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
25 Jan 2022
25 Jan 2022
The objective of this work was to describe the technique of exclusive lipofilling in breast reconstruction after total mastectomy, to evaluate the satisfaction and quality of life of the patients, and to explore current literature on the subject. We conducted a retrospective observational multicentric study from January 2013 to April 2020. The modalities of surgery, esthetic result, and patient satisfaction were evaluated with the breast reconstruction module of BREAST-Q. Complete data were available for 37 patients. The mean number of sessions was 2.2 (standard deviation 1.1), spread over an average of 6.8 months (SD 6.9). The average total volume of fat transferred was 566.4 mL. The complication rate was 18.9%. No severe complication was observed (Clavien-Dindo 3/4). Two patients were diagnosed with recurrence, in a metastatic mode (5.4%). The average satisfaction rate was 68.4% (SD 24.8) for psychosocial well-being and 64.5% (SD 24.1) for sexual well-being. The satisfaction rate was 60.2% (SD 20.9) for the image of the reconstructed breast and 82.7% (SD 21.9) for locoregional comfort. Breast reconstruction by exclusive lipofilling after total mastectomy provides satisfactory quality of life scores. The simplicity of the surgical technique and equipment required, and the high satisfaction rate confirm that lipofilling should be included in the panel of choice of breast reconstruction techniques.
Sections du résumé
The objective of this work was to describe the technique of exclusive lipofilling in breast reconstruction after total mastectomy, to evaluate the satisfaction and quality of life of the patients, and to explore current literature on the subject.
We conducted a retrospective observational multicentric study from January 2013 to April 2020. The modalities of surgery, esthetic result, and patient satisfaction were evaluated with the breast reconstruction module of BREAST-Q.
Complete data were available for 37 patients. The mean number of sessions was 2.2 (standard deviation 1.1), spread over an average of 6.8 months (SD 6.9). The average total volume of fat transferred was 566.4 mL. The complication rate was 18.9%. No severe complication was observed (Clavien-Dindo 3/4). Two patients were diagnosed with recurrence, in a metastatic mode (5.4%). The average satisfaction rate was 68.4% (SD 24.8) for psychosocial well-being and 64.5% (SD 24.1) for sexual well-being. The satisfaction rate was 60.2% (SD 20.9) for the image of the reconstructed breast and 82.7% (SD 21.9) for locoregional comfort.
Breast reconstruction by exclusive lipofilling after total mastectomy provides satisfactory quality of life scores. The simplicity of the surgical technique and equipment required, and the high satisfaction rate confirm that lipofilling should be included in the panel of choice of breast reconstruction techniques.
pubmed: 35207642
pii: jpm12020153
doi: 10.3390/jpm12020153
pmc: PMC8876120
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