Expert consensus on resection of chest wall tumors and chest wall reconstruction.
Chest wall tumor
chest wall reconstruction
excision margin
Translational lung cancer research
ISSN: 2218-6751
Titre abrégé: Transl Lung Cancer Res
Pays: China
ID NLM: 101646875
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Nov 2021
Nov 2021
Chest wall tumors are a relatively uncommon disease in clinical practice. Most of the published studies about chest wall tumors are usually single-center retrospective studies, involving few patients. Therefore, evidences regarding clinical conclusions about chest wall tumors are lacking, and some controversial issues have still to be agreed upon. In January 2019, 73 experts in thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, science, and engineering jointly released the Chinese Expert Consensus on Chest Wall Tumor Resection and Chest Wall Reconstruction (2018 edition). After that, numerous experts put forward new perspectives on some academic issues in this version of the consensus, pointing out the necessity to further discuss the points of contention. Thus, we conducted a survey through the administration of a questionnaire among 85 experts in the world. Consensus has been reached on some major points as follows. (I) Wide excision should be performed for desmoid tumor (DT) of chest wall. After excluding the distant metastasis by multi-disciplinary team, solitary sternal plasmacytoma can be treated with extensive resection and adjuvant radiotherapy. (II) Wide excision with above 2 cm margin distance should be attempted to obtain R0 resection margin for chest wall tumor unless the tumor involves vital organs or structures, including the great vessels, heart, trachea, joints, and spine. (III) For patients with chest wall tumors undergoing unplanned excision (UE) for the first time, it is necessary to carry out wide excision as soon as possible within 1-3 months following the previous surgery. (IV) Current Tumor Node Metastasis staging criteria (American Joint Committee on Cancer) of bone tumor and soft tissue sarcoma are not suitable for chest wall sarcomas. (V) It is necessary to use rigid implants for chest wall reconstruction once the maximum diameter of the chest wall defect exceeds 5 cm in adults and adolescents. (VI) For non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) invading the chest wall, wide excision with neoadjuvant and/or adjuvant therapy are recommended for patients with stage T
pubmed: 35004239
doi: 10.21037/tlcr-21-935
pii: tlcr-10-11-4057
pmc: PMC8674598
Types de publication
Journal Article
4057-4083Informations de copyright
2021 Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved.
Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at Dr. ISS reports that he had received grants from On Target Laboratories; payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events form Intuitive Surgical, Inc., Cambridge Medical Robotics and Auris Medical. Dr. XY serves as an unpaid editorial board member of Translational Lung Cancer Research from July 2021 to June 2023. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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