Effects of active video games on physical function in independent community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


Journal of advanced nursing
ISSN: 1365-2648
Titre abrégé: J Adv Nurs
Pays: England
ID NLM: 7609811

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
May 2022
revised: 25 08 2021
received: 21 05 2021
accepted: 09 12 2021
pubmed: 23 12 2021
medline: 27 4 2022
entrez: 22 12 2021
Statut: ppublish


To analyse the effects of active video games on physical function in independent community-dwelling older adults. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. The CINAHL, LILACS, Medline, Proquest and Scopus databases were consulted, with no restriction by year of publication. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed. The meta-analysis was performed using RevMan software. The analysis included 22 randomized controlled trials with a total of 1208 participants (all ≥55 years old). In our meta-analyses, the effects produced by playing the active video games (mean differences) were statistically significant for the variables Gait speed and Timed up-and-go. The differences between the control and experimental groups were not significant in the following tests: 6-minute walk, 30-second chair stand, balance (measured with the Berg Balance Scale), cadence, grip strength, knee extension strength, 8-Foot Up-and-Go or velocity. Physical exercise from participation in active video games has beneficial effects on two clinical parameters (Gait speed and Timed up-and-go) in independent community-dwelling older adults. However, the effects on other parameters do not differ from those obtained with conventional exercise training. Therefore, the clinical significance of these benefits is limited. Older adults usually perform little physical activity. In consequence, researchers have increasingly considered alternatives to traditional forms of exercise. One such is that provided by active video games, which can be a source of stimulation, encouraging adherence and motivation in exercise programmes. Our review shows that active video games can improve gait speed and mobility, but in other respects obtain no differences from conventional exercises. Further tailored randomized clinical trials should be undertaken with diverse populations of older adults to evaluate different physical function variables to determine the most appropriate training approach and its optimal design and duration.


pubmed: 34935178
doi: 10.1111/jan.15138

Types de publication

Journal Article Meta-Analysis Review Systematic Review



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Informations de copyright

© 2021 The Authors. Journal of Advanced Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Nora Suleiman-Martos (N)

Nursing Department, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Rubén García-Lara (R)

Granada-Northeast Health Management Area, Andalusian Health Service, Granada, Spain.

Luis Albendín-García (L)

Granada-Metropolitano Health District, Andalusian Health Service, Granada, Spain.

José L Romero-Béjar (JL)

Statistics and Operational Research Department, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Guillermo A Cañadas-De La Fuente (GA)

Nursing Department, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

Carolina Monsalve-Reyes (C)

Social Sciences Department, Catholic University of La Santísima Concepción, Concepción, Chile.

José L Gomez-Urquiza (JL)

Nursing Department, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.

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