Coverage with Evidence Development Programs for Medical Technologies in Asia-Pacific Regions: A Case Study of Japan and South Korea.

CED Challenge Application Conditional Selective Benefit Japan South Korea coverage with evidence development medical technology policy


JMA journal
ISSN: 2433-3298
Titre abrégé: JMA J
Pays: Japan
ID NLM: 101769797

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
15 Oct 2021
received: 01 02 2021
accepted: 15 06 2021
entrez: 19 11 2021
pubmed: 20 11 2021
medline: 20 11 2021
Statut: ppublish


In this article, the operational characteristics of coverage with evidence development (CED) programs in Asia-Pacific regions, focusing on two countries-Japan and South Korea-are reviewed. Both countries recommended the introduction of CED to overcome the barrier of lack of robust clinical evidence in the early stages of the introduction of a medical technology. However, each country has a unique approach to CED implementation that reflects the differences in establishment and healthcare and policy environments. Japan adopted a "Challenge Application (CA)" program in 2018, and South Korea introduced the "Conditional Selective Benefit (CSB)" program in 2014. Despite the positive effects of CED programs, their governance and implementation should be improved to benefit patients in both countries from the improved access to new and innovative medical technologies. To this end, CED practices in the United States (the USA) can provide insights on how to improve CED operations in both countries.


pubmed: 34796285
doi: 10.31662/jmaj.2021-0011
pmc: PMC8580702

Types de publication

Journal Article Review





Informations de copyright

Copyright © Japan Medical Association.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

All authors are the employees of Company Medtronic and stockholder.


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Jae-Eun Myung (JE)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Korea Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.

Yuji Tanaka (Y)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Japan Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

Hyunsook Choi (H)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Korea Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.
Department of Health Convergence, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea.

Liesl Strachan (L)

Global Health Policy, Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd., Sydney, Australia.

Tomohiro Watanuki (T)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Japan Ltd., Tokyo, Japan.

Ji-Hyun Lee (JH)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Korea Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.

Hyojung Hwang (H)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Korea Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.
Department of Health Policy, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea.

Sang-Soo Lee (SS)

Healthcare Economics and Government Affairs, Medtronic Korea Ltd., Seoul, South Korea.
Graduate School for Medical Device Management and Research, SAIHST (Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Science & Technology), Sung Kyun Kwan University, Seoul, South Korea.

Classifications MeSH