Satisfaction Survey on Antipsychotic Formulations by Schizophrenia Patients in Japan.

Antipsychotic agents Drug formulation Medication adherence Patient satisfaction Schizophrenia Surveys and questionnaires


Clinical psychopharmacology and neuroscience : the official scientific journal of the Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology
ISSN: 1738-1088
Titre abrégé: Clin Psychopharmacol Neurosci
Pays: Korea (South)
ID NLM: 101207332

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
30 Nov 2021
received: 21 07 2020
revised: 31 08 2020
accepted: 08 09 2020
entrez: 25 10 2021
pubmed: 26 10 2021
medline: 26 10 2021
Statut: ppublish


To identify factors affecting adherence to medication, a subjective questionnaire survey was administered to schizophrenia patients regarding the prescribed antipsychotic formulations. We evaluated the patients' satisfaction and dissatisfaction with prescribed antipsychotic formulations, and patients answered the Drug Attitude Inventory-10 Questionnaire (DAI-10). Inclusion criteria for patients are as follows: age between 20 and 75 years and taking antipsychotic agents containing the same ingredients and formulations, for at least 1 month. In total, 301 patients answered the questionnaire survey. Tablets were found to be the most commonly used antipsychotic formulations among schizophrenia patients (n = 174, 57.8%), followed by long-acting injections (LAIs, n = 93, 30.9%). No significant differences in the formulation satisfaction level and DAI-10 scores were observed between all formulations. Formulations, except for LAI, were selected by physicians in more than half of the patients. Patients who answered "Decided by consultation with physicians" had significantly higher satisfaction levels and DAI-10 scores compared to those who answered "Decided by physicians" (4.11 ± 0.77 vs. 3.80 ± 1.00, No formulation had a high satisfaction level in all patients, and it is important to be reflect the patients' individual preferences in pharmacotherapy. Shared decision-making in the selection of the formulations is seen to be useful for improving medication adherence.


pubmed: 34690116
pii: cpn.2021.19.4.610
doi: 10.9758/cpn.2021.19.4.610
pmc: PMC8553540

Types de publication

Journal Article






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Masakazu Hatano (M)

Departments of Psychiatry, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan.
Departments of Clinical Pharmacy, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan.
Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Ippei Takeuchi (I)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.
Department of Psychiatry, Okehazama Hospital, Toyoake, Japan.

Kanade Yamashita (K)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Aoi Morita (A)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Kaori Tozawa (K)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.
Department of Psychiatry, Kyowa Hospital, Obu, Japan.

Takashi Sakakibara (T)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.
Department of Psychiatry, Holy Cross Hospital, Toki, Japan.

Genta Hajitsu (G)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.
Department of Psychiatry, Kamibayashikinen Hospital, Ichinomiya, Japan.

Manako Hanya (M)

Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Shigeki Yamada (S)

Departments of Clinical Pharmacy, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan.

Nakao Iwata (N)

Departments of Psychiatry, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan.

Hiroyuki Kamei (H)

Departments of Psychiatry, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan.
Office of Clinical Pharmacy Practice and Health Care Management, Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University, Nagoya, Japan.

Classifications MeSH