The effect of radiological distribution on the COVID-19 disease.

Radyolojik dağılımın COVID-19 hastalığına etkisi.


Tuberkuloz ve toraks
ISSN: 0494-1373
Titre abrégé: Tuberk Toraks
Pays: Turkey
ID NLM: 0417364

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Jun 2021
entrez: 14 7 2021
pubmed: 15 7 2021
medline: 20 7 2021
Statut: ppublish


The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of radiological distribution on COVID-19 clinic and prognosis and to determine the relationship between laboratory parameters and thorax CT findings. Patients with COVID-19 were evaluated retrospectively. Laboratory parameters were obtained from medical records. Ground-glass opacities (GGO) and consolidation were evaluated on thorax CT. The presence of a single lobe lesion was considered as limited while multiple lobe lesions were considered as diffuse involvement for both GGO and consolidation. A total 200 patients with COVID-19 were evaluated. 178 of them (89%) were discharged, 17 patients (8.5%) were transferred to the ICU and five patients died (2.5%). The ratios of mortality and transfer to the ICU in patients with diffused GGO were significantly higher compared to patients with limited GGOs. It was observed that troponin ≥0.06 µg/L, platelet <140 and fibrinogen ≥350 mg/dl were independent predictors of the presences of diffused GGOs in thorax CT. Diffused GGOs on thorax CT are correlated with the rate of mortality and transfer to the ICU in patients with COVID-19. Also, troponin, fibrinogen, and platelet levels can be used while predicting extensive parenchymal disease on thorax CT.


pubmed: 34256509
doi: 10.5578/tt.20219808

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Mutlu Kuluöztürk (M)

Department of Chest Diseases, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

Erdal İn (E)

Department of Chest Diseases, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

Teyfik Turgut (T)

Department of Chest Diseases, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

Ayşe Murat Aydın (AM)

Department of Radiology, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

Zülal Aşçı Toraman (Z)

Department of Microbiology, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

Figen Deveci (F)

Department of Chest Diseases, Fırat University Faculty of Medicine, Elazığ, Turkey.

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