Embryonic thermal manipulation impacts the postnatal transcriptome response of heat-challenged Japanese quails.
Embryonic treatment
Thermal manipulation
BMC genomics
ISSN: 1471-2164
Titre abrégé: BMC Genomics
Pays: England
ID NLM: 100965258
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
30 Jun 2021
30 Jun 2021
The thermal-manipulation (TM) during egg incubation is a cyclic exposure to hot or cold temperatures during embryogenesis that is associated to long-lasting effects on growth performance, physiology, metabolism and temperature tolerance in birds. An increase of the incubation temperature of Japanese quail eggs affected the embryonic and post-hatch survival, growth, surface temperatures and blood characteristics potentially related to thermoregulation capacities. To gain new insights in the molecular basis of TM in quails, we investigated by RNA-seq the hypothalamus transcriptome of 35 days-old male and female quails that were treated by TM or not (C, control) during embryogenesis and that were exposed (HC) or not (RT) to a 36 °C heat challenge for 7 h before sampling. For males, 76, 27, 47 and 0 genes were differentially expressed in the CHC vs. CRT, CRT vs. TMRT, TMHC vs. TMRT and CHC vs. TMHC comparisons, respectively. For females, 17, 0, 342 and 1 genes were differentially expressed within the same respective comparisons. Inter-individual variability of gene expression response was observed particularly when comparing RT and HC female animals. The differential expression of several genes was corroborated by RT-qPCR analysis. Gene Ontology functional analysis of the differentially expressed genes showed a prevalent enrichment of terms related to cellular responses to stimuli and gene expression regulation in both sexes. Gene Ontology terms related to the membrane transport, the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial functions as well as DNA metabolism and repair were also identified in specific comparisons and sexes. TM had little to no effect on the regulation of gene expression in the hypothalamus of 35 days-old Japanese quails. However, the consequences of TM on gene expression were revealed by the HC, with sex-specific and common functions altered. The effects of the HC on gene expression were most prominent in TM females with a ~ 20-fold increase of the number of differentially expressed genes, suggesting that TM may enhance the gene response during challenging conditions in female quail hypothalamus. TM may also promote new cellular strategies in females to help coping to the adverse conditions as illustrated by the identification of differentially expressed genes related to the mitochondrial and heat-response functions.
Sections du résumé
The thermal-manipulation (TM) during egg incubation is a cyclic exposure to hot or cold temperatures during embryogenesis that is associated to long-lasting effects on growth performance, physiology, metabolism and temperature tolerance in birds. An increase of the incubation temperature of Japanese quail eggs affected the embryonic and post-hatch survival, growth, surface temperatures and blood characteristics potentially related to thermoregulation capacities. To gain new insights in the molecular basis of TM in quails, we investigated by RNA-seq the hypothalamus transcriptome of 35 days-old male and female quails that were treated by TM or not (C, control) during embryogenesis and that were exposed (HC) or not (RT) to a 36 °C heat challenge for 7 h before sampling.
For males, 76, 27, 47 and 0 genes were differentially expressed in the CHC vs. CRT, CRT vs. TMRT, TMHC vs. TMRT and CHC vs. TMHC comparisons, respectively. For females, 17, 0, 342 and 1 genes were differentially expressed within the same respective comparisons. Inter-individual variability of gene expression response was observed particularly when comparing RT and HC female animals. The differential expression of several genes was corroborated by RT-qPCR analysis. Gene Ontology functional analysis of the differentially expressed genes showed a prevalent enrichment of terms related to cellular responses to stimuli and gene expression regulation in both sexes. Gene Ontology terms related to the membrane transport, the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial functions as well as DNA metabolism and repair were also identified in specific comparisons and sexes.
TM had little to no effect on the regulation of gene expression in the hypothalamus of 35 days-old Japanese quails. However, the consequences of TM on gene expression were revealed by the HC, with sex-specific and common functions altered. The effects of the HC on gene expression were most prominent in TM females with a ~ 20-fold increase of the number of differentially expressed genes, suggesting that TM may enhance the gene response during challenging conditions in female quail hypothalamus. TM may also promote new cellular strategies in females to help coping to the adverse conditions as illustrated by the identification of differentially expressed genes related to the mitochondrial and heat-response functions.
pubmed: 34193035
doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-07832-7
pii: 10.1186/s12864-021-07832-7
pmc: PMC8243606
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : Agence Nationale de la Recherche
ID : ANR-15-CE02-0009-01
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