Tuberculosis Drug Susceptibility, Treatment, and Outcomes for Belarusian HIV-Positive Patients with Tuberculosis: Results from a National and International Laboratory.


Tuberculosis research and treatment
ISSN: 2090-150X
Titre abrégé: Tuberc Res Treat
Pays: Egypt
ID NLM: 101576351

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 27 10 2020
revised: 10 02 2021
accepted: 22 02 2021
entrez: 19 4 2021
pubmed: 20 4 2021
medline: 20 4 2021
Statut: epublish


To cure drug-resistant (DR) tuberculosis (TB), the antituberculous treatment should be guided by Thirty TB/HIV coinfected patients from Minsk were included and descriptive statistics applied. Based on results from Minsk, 10 (33%) TB/HIV patients had drug-sensitive TB. Two (7%) had isoniazid monoresistant TB, 8 (27%) had multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB, 5 (17%) preextensive drug-resistant (preXDR) TB, and 5 (17%) had extensive drug-resistant (XDR) TB. For the first-line drugs rifampicin and isoniazid, there was DST agreement between Minsk and Copenhagen for 90% patients. For the second-line anti-TB drugs, discrepancies were more pronounced. For 14 (47%) patients, there were disagreements for at least one drug, and 4 (13%) patients were classified as having MDR-TB in Minsk but were classified as having preXDR-TB based on DST results in Copenhagen. Initially, all patients received standard anti-TB treatment with rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. However, this was only suitable for 40% of the patients based on DST. On average, DR-TB patients were changed to 4 (IQR 3-5) active drugs after 1.5 months (IQR 1-2). After treatment adjustment, the treatment duration was 8 months (IQR 2-11). Four (22%) patients with DR-TB received treatment for >18 months. In total, sixteen (53%) patients died during 24 months of follow-up. We found high concordance for rifampicin and isoniazid DST between the Minsk and Copenhagen laboratories, whereas discrepancies for second-line drugs were more pronounced. For patients with DR-TB, treatment was often insufficient and relevant adjustments delayed. This example from Minsk, Belarus, underlines two crucial points in the management of DR-TB: the urgent need for implementation of rapid molecular DSTs and availability of second-line drugs in all DR-TB high-burden settings. Carefully designed individualized treatment regimens in accordance with DST patterns will likely improve patients' outcome and reduce transmission with drug-resistant

Sections du résumé

To cure drug-resistant (DR) tuberculosis (TB), the antituberculous treatment should be guided by
Thirty TB/HIV coinfected patients from Minsk were included and descriptive statistics applied.
Based on results from Minsk, 10 (33%) TB/HIV patients had drug-sensitive TB. Two (7%) had isoniazid monoresistant TB, 8 (27%) had multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB, 5 (17%) preextensive drug-resistant (preXDR) TB, and 5 (17%) had extensive drug-resistant (XDR) TB. For the first-line drugs rifampicin and isoniazid, there was DST agreement between Minsk and Copenhagen for 90% patients. For the second-line anti-TB drugs, discrepancies were more pronounced. For 14 (47%) patients, there were disagreements for at least one drug, and 4 (13%) patients were classified as having MDR-TB in Minsk but were classified as having preXDR-TB based on DST results in Copenhagen. Initially, all patients received standard anti-TB treatment with rifampicin, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. However, this was only suitable for 40% of the patients based on DST. On average, DR-TB patients were changed to 4 (IQR 3-5) active drugs after 1.5 months (IQR 1-2). After treatment adjustment, the treatment duration was 8 months (IQR 2-11). Four (22%) patients with DR-TB received treatment for >18 months. In total, sixteen (53%) patients died during 24 months of follow-up.
We found high concordance for rifampicin and isoniazid DST between the Minsk and Copenhagen laboratories, whereas discrepancies for second-line drugs were more pronounced. For patients with DR-TB, treatment was often insufficient and relevant adjustments delayed. This example from Minsk, Belarus, underlines two crucial points in the management of DR-TB: the urgent need for implementation of rapid molecular DSTs and availability of second-line drugs in all DR-TB high-burden settings. Carefully designed individualized treatment regimens in accordance with DST patterns will likely improve patients' outcome and reduce transmission with drug-resistant


pubmed: 33868727
doi: 10.1155/2021/6646239
pmc: PMC8035031

Types de publication

Journal Article





Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2021 Daria N. Podlekareva et al.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

None of the coauthors have any conflicts of interests to declare.


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Daria N Podlekareva (DN)

CHIP, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dorte Bek Folkvardsen (DB)

International Reference Laboratory of Mycobacteriology, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Alena Skrahina (A)

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and TB, Minsk, Belarus.

Anna Vassilenko (A)

Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus.

Aliaksandr Skrahin (A)

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and TB, Minsk, Belarus.
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus.

Henadz Hurevich (H)

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and TB, Minsk, Belarus.

Dzmitry Klimuk (D)

Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and TB, Minsk, Belarus.

Igor Karpov (I)

Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus.

Jens D Lundgren (JD)

CHIP, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Ole Kirk (O)

CHIP, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Department of Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Troels Lillebaek (T)

International Reference Laboratory of Mycobacteriology, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Classifications MeSH