Correction of a Class III Malocclusion with a Functional Shift and Severe Crowding.


Case reports in dentistry
ISSN: 2090-6447
Titre abrégé: Case Rep Dent
Pays: Egypt
ID NLM: 101573242

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 20 05 2020
revised: 13 11 2020
accepted: 17 11 2020
entrez: 10 12 2020
pubmed: 11 12 2020
medline: 11 12 2020
Statut: epublish


A forward functional shift of the mandible is a significant problem that can cause both functional and aesthetic complications for many patients. This shift usually occurs in growing patients, and it is unusual to see in adult patients. This case report shows an adult patient with a forwarding functional shift that caused both anterior and posterior crossbites with a pseudo class III dental and skeletal relationship. The patient also showed severe upper arch crowding with blocked-out canines and mild crowding in the lower arch. The treatment of this patient involved extraction of the upper right and left first premolars and the lower right first premolar, followed by opening of the bite to relieve the neuromuscular reflex of the forward protrusion of the mandible during centric occlusion and to correct both the anterior and posterior crossbites. Extraction spaces were closed using class III elastics and elastomeric chains. At the end of the treatment, good functional and aesthetic results were obtained after the elimination of the forward functional shift.


pubmed: 33299617
doi: 10.1155/2020/8867130
pmc: PMC7710436

Types de publication

Case Reports





Commentaires et corrections

Type : ErratumIn

Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2020 Yahya A. Alogaibi et al.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

All of the authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this case report.


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Yahya A Alogaibi (YA)

Bisha Dental Center, Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 418, Bisha 61922, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Orthodontic, King Fahad Hospital, Specialized Dental Center, Madina, Saudi Arabia.

Ahmad A Al-Fraidi (AA)

Department of Orthodontic, King Fahad Hospital, Specialized Dental Center, Madina, Saudi Arabia.

Manar K Alhajrasi (MK)

Department of Orthodontic, North Jeddah Specialty Dental Center, MOH, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Ali A Hassan (AA)

Alfarabi Private College, Jeddah, Western Region, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University, P.O. Box 80209, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.

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