Collective photonic response of high refractive index dielectric metasurfaces.
Scientific reports
ISSN: 2045-2322
Titre abrégé: Sci Rep
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101563288
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
24 Sep 2020
24 Sep 2020
Sub-wavelength periodic nanostructures give rise to interesting optical phenomena like effective refractive index, perfect absorption, cloaking, etc. However, such structures are usually metallic which results in high dissipative losses and limitations for use; therefore, dielectric nanostructures are increasingly considered as a strong alternative to plasmonic (metallic) materials. In this work, we show light-matter interaction in a high refractive index dielectric metasurface consisting of an array of cubic dielectric nano-structures made of very high refractive index material, Te in air, using computer modelling. We observe a distinct band-like structure in both transmission and reflection spectra resulting from the near-field coupling of the field modes from neighboring dielectric structures followed by a sharp peak in the transmission at higher frequencies. From the spatial distribution of the electric and magnetic fields and a detailed multipole analysis in both spherical harmonics and Cartesian components, the dominant resonant modes are identified to be electric and magnetic dipoles. Specifically at lower frequency (60 THz) a novel anapole-like state characterized by strong-suppression in reflection and absorption is observed, reported very recently as 'lattice-invisibility' state. Differently, at higher frequency (62 THz), strong absorption and near-zero far field scattering are observed, which combined with the field profiles and the multipole analysis of the near-fields indicate the excitation of an anapole. Notably the observed novel modes occur in the simple geometry of dielectric cubes and are a result of collective response of the metasurfaces. Periodicity of the cubic metasurface is shown as the significant material tuning parameter, allowing for the near-field and far-field coupling effects of anapole metasurface. More generally, our work is a contribution towards developing far-fetching applications based on metamaterials such as integrated devices and waveguides consisting of non-radiating modes.
pubmed: 32973257
doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72675-3
pii: 10.1038/s41598-020-72675-3
pmc: PMC7518431
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : Javna Agencija za Raziskovalno Dejavnost RS
ID : P1-0099
Organisme : Science and Engineering Research Board,India
ID : EMR/2017/004045
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