Effect of grape seed extract on skin fibroblasts exposed to UVA light and its photostability in sunscreen formulation.

UVA anti-aging fibroblasts grape seed extract reflection and transmission UV spectrophotometer sunscreen


Journal of cosmetic dermatology
ISSN: 1473-2165
Titre abrégé: J Cosmet Dermatol
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101130964

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Apr 2021
revised: 12 08 2020
received: 08 05 2020
accepted: 24 08 2020
pubmed: 7 9 2020
medline: 15 5 2021
entrez: 6 9 2020
Statut: ppublish


Grape seed extract (GSE) is rich in polyphenolic compounds, particularly (+)-catechin (C) and (-)-epicatechin (EC). Strong antioxidant activity of these compounds makes GSE to be value-added to the cosmetics with anti-aging properties. However, a lack of stability in different environmental conditions makes GSE challenging for the development of photostable cosmetic sunscreen products. To evaluate photoprotective effects of GSE on human dermal fibroblasts irradiated with UVA light and assess photostability of catechins in cream formulations containing GSE alone or in combination with octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC). MTT assay was used to assess protective effects of GSE on fibroblasts irradiated with UVA light. A photostability of C and EC in GSE and in cream formulation containing GSE was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography and confirmed by reflection and transmission spectrophotometry using Transpore™ tapes and polymethacrylate (PMMA) plates as substrates. High UVA doses damaged fibroblast structure and inhibited their growth. However, GSE increased cell viability and effectively protected them from UVA damage. Photostability of C and EC was achieved by combination of GSE and OMC that also improved absorption capacity of UV filter and increased overall efficacy of formulation. PMMA plates showed better applicability for in vitro photostability testing of sunscreen formulations. However, despite the instability of Transpore® tape under heat from UV exposure, it can still be economically a substrate of alternative choice for screening. GSE can be used as an effective and sustainable natural resource for prevention of UV-induced skin damage providing long-term protection against premature skin aging.

Sections du résumé

Grape seed extract (GSE) is rich in polyphenolic compounds, particularly (+)-catechin (C) and (-)-epicatechin (EC). Strong antioxidant activity of these compounds makes GSE to be value-added to the cosmetics with anti-aging properties. However, a lack of stability in different environmental conditions makes GSE challenging for the development of photostable cosmetic sunscreen products.
To evaluate photoprotective effects of GSE on human dermal fibroblasts irradiated with UVA light and assess photostability of catechins in cream formulations containing GSE alone or in combination with octyl methoxycinnamate (OMC).
MTT assay was used to assess protective effects of GSE on fibroblasts irradiated with UVA light. A photostability of C and EC in GSE and in cream formulation containing GSE was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography and confirmed by reflection and transmission spectrophotometry using Transpore™ tapes and polymethacrylate (PMMA) plates as substrates.
High UVA doses damaged fibroblast structure and inhibited their growth. However, GSE increased cell viability and effectively protected them from UVA damage. Photostability of C and EC was achieved by combination of GSE and OMC that also improved absorption capacity of UV filter and increased overall efficacy of formulation. PMMA plates showed better applicability for in vitro photostability testing of sunscreen formulations. However, despite the instability of Transpore® tape under heat from UV exposure, it can still be economically a substrate of alternative choice for screening.
GSE can be used as an effective and sustainable natural resource for prevention of UV-induced skin damage providing long-term protection against premature skin aging.


pubmed: 32892461
doi: 10.1111/jocd.13711

Substances chimiques

Grape Seed Extract 0
Sunscreening Agents 0

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Organisme : Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University

Informations de copyright

© 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC.


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Liudmila Yarovaya (L)

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

Neti Waranuch (N)

Cosmetics and Natural Products Research Center, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand.

Wudtichai Wisuitiprot (W)

Cosmetics and Natural Products Research Center, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand.

Watcharee Khunkitti (W)

Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Biofilm Research Group, Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.

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