Bayesian estimation of diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of a qPCR and a bacteriological culture method for Piscirickettsia salmonis in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Chile.


Journal of fish diseases
ISSN: 1365-2761
Titre abrégé: J Fish Dis
Pays: England
ID NLM: 9881188

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Oct 2020
received: 04 05 2020
revised: 30 06 2020
accepted: 02 07 2020
pubmed: 28 7 2020
medline: 20 2 2021
entrez: 28 7 2020
Statut: ppublish


Early detection of piscirickettsiosis is an important purpose of government- and industry-based surveillance for the disease in Atlantic salmon farms in Chile. Real-time qPCRs are currently used for surveillance because bacterial isolation is inadequately sensitive or rapid enough for routine use. Since no perfect tests exist, we used Bayesian latent class models to estimate diagnostic sensitivity (DSe) and specificity (DSp) of qPCR and culture using separate two-test, single-population models for three farms (n = 148, 151, 44). Informative priors were used for DSp (culture (beta(999,1); qPCR (beta(98,2)), and flat priors (beta 1,1) for DSe and prevalence. Models were run for liver and kidney tissues combined and separately, based on the presence of selected gross-pathological signs. Across all models, qPCR DSe was 5- to 30-fold greater than for culture. Combined-tissue qPCR median DSe was highest in Farm 3 (sampled during P. salmonis outbreak (DSe = 97.6%)) versus Farm 1 (DSe = 85.6%) or Farm 2 (DSe = 83.5%), both sampled before clinical disease. Median DSe of qPCR was similar for liver and kidney, but higher when gross-pathological signs were evident at necropsy. High DSe and DSp and rapid turnaround-time indicate that the qPCR is fit for surveillance programmes and diagnosis during an outbreak. Targeted testing of salmon with gross-pathological signs can enhance DSe.


pubmed: 32716071
doi: 10.1111/jfd.13226

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Organisme : SalmonChile and Sernapesca
ID : EPIVET project 201707240090
Organisme : SalmonChile and Sernapesca
ID : Fondo Inversion Estrategica (FIE-2015-V014
Organisme : Canada Excellence Research Chair in Aquatic Epidemiology, University of Prince Edward Island

Informations de copyright

© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Emilie Laurin (E)

Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Ian A Gardner (IA)

Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada.

Andrea Peña (A)

Pathovet Laboratory Ltd, Puerto Montt, Chile.

Marco Rozas-Serri (M)

Pathovet Laboratory Ltd, Puerto Montt, Chile.

Jorge Gayosa (J)

Pathovet Laboratory Ltd, Puerto Montt, Chile.

Joaquin Neumann Heise (J)

School of Veterinary Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University, Santiago, Chile.

Fernando O Mardones (FO)

School of Veterinary Medicine, Pontifical Catholic University, Santiago, Chile.

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