Management of Complicated Crown-Root Fracture by Extra-Oral Fragment Reattachment and Intentional Reimplantation with 2 Years Review.

Crown-root fracture esthetics fiber-reinforced composite post fragment reattachment intentional reimplantation


Contemporary clinical dentistry
ISSN: 0976-237X
Titre abrégé: Contemp Clin Dent
Pays: India
ID NLM: 101552967

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
entrez: 21 4 2020
pubmed: 21 4 2020
medline: 21 4 2020
Statut: ppublish


Trauma with an accompanying fracture to the anterior teeth gives an agonizing experience for a young individual due to the physical disfigurement and the psychological impact that is imposed on them. This paper reports a case of complicated crown-root fracture in a young child that was treated by extra-oral fragment reattachment followed by the intentional reimplantation. The tooth was endodontically-treated followed by the placement of fiber-reinforced composite post. The fragments were reattached extra orally following an atraumatic extraction. The tooth was then reimplanted back into the socket followed by splinting. Clinical results were successful after 2 years. This case report demonstrates the importance of modifying a treatment protocol to maintain esthetics up to the completion of the developmental period.


pubmed: 32308309
doi: 10.4103/ccd.ccd_671_18
pii: CCD-10-397
pmc: PMC7145227

Types de publication

Case Reports





Informations de copyright

Copyright: © 2020 Contemporary Clinical Dentistry.

Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

There are no conflicts of interest.


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R Vignesh (R)

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Saveetha Dental College & Hospitals, Saveetha University, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Ditto Sharmin (D)

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Sri Venkateswara Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

C Vishnu Rekha (CV)

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Sathyabama Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Sankar Annamalai (S)

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Parisa Norouzi Baghkomeh (PN)

Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

Classifications MeSH