Yolk-sac-derived macrophages progressively expand in the mouse kidney with age.
human biology
macrophage ontogeny
ISSN: 2050-084X
Titre abrégé: Elife
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101579614
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
17 04 2020
17 04 2020
Renal macrophages represent a highly heterogeneous and specialized population of myeloid cells with mixed developmental origins from the yolk-sac and hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). They promote both injury and repair by regulating inflammation, angiogenesis, and tissue remodeling. Recent reports highlight differential roles for ontogenically distinct renal macrophage populations in disease. However, little is known about how these populations change over time in normal, uninjured kidneys. Prior reports demonstrated a high proportion of HSC-derived macrophages in the young adult kidney. Unexpectedly, using genetic fate-mapping and parabiosis studies, we found that yolk-sac-derived macrophages progressively expand in number with age and become a major contributor to the renal macrophage population in older mice. This chronological shift in macrophage composition involves local cellular proliferation and recruitment from circulating progenitors and may contribute to the distinct immune responses, limited reparative capacity, and increased disease susceptibility of kidneys in the elderly population. Older people are more likely to develop kidney disease, which increases their risk of having other conditions such as a heart attack or stroke and, in some cases, can lead to their death. Older kidneys are less able to repair themselves after an injury, which may help explain why aging contributes to kidney disease. Another possibility is that older kidneys are more susceptible to excessive inflammation. Learning more about the processes that lead to kidney inflammation in older people might lead to better ways to prevent or treat their kidney disease. Immune cells called macrophages help protect the body from injury and disease. They do this by triggering inflammation, which aides healing. Too much inflammation can be harmful though, making macrophages a prime suspect in age-related kidney harm. Studying these immune cells in the kidney and how they change over the lifespan could help scientists to better understand age-related kidney disease. Now, Ide, Yahara et al. show that one type of macrophage is better at multiplying in older kidneys. In the experiments, mice were genetically engineered to make a fluorescent red protein in one kind of macrophage. This allowed Ide, Yahara et al. to track these immune cells as the mice aged. The experiments showed that this subgroup of cells is first produced when the mice are embryos. They stay in the mouse kidneys into adulthood, and are so prolific that, over time, they eventually become the most common macrophage in older kidneys. The fact that one type of embryonically derived macrophage takes over with age may explain the increased inflammation and reduced repair capacity seen in aging kidneys. More studies will help scientists to understand how these particular cells contribute to age-related changes in susceptibility to kidney disease.
Autres résumés
Type: plain-language-summary
Older people are more likely to develop kidney disease, which increases their risk of having other conditions such as a heart attack or stroke and, in some cases, can lead to their death. Older kidneys are less able to repair themselves after an injury, which may help explain why aging contributes to kidney disease. Another possibility is that older kidneys are more susceptible to excessive inflammation. Learning more about the processes that lead to kidney inflammation in older people might lead to better ways to prevent or treat their kidney disease. Immune cells called macrophages help protect the body from injury and disease. They do this by triggering inflammation, which aides healing. Too much inflammation can be harmful though, making macrophages a prime suspect in age-related kidney harm. Studying these immune cells in the kidney and how they change over the lifespan could help scientists to better understand age-related kidney disease. Now, Ide, Yahara et al. show that one type of macrophage is better at multiplying in older kidneys. In the experiments, mice were genetically engineered to make a fluorescent red protein in one kind of macrophage. This allowed Ide, Yahara et al. to track these immune cells as the mice aged. The experiments showed that this subgroup of cells is first produced when the mice are embryos. They stay in the mouse kidneys into adulthood, and are so prolific that, over time, they eventually become the most common macrophage in older kidneys. The fact that one type of embryonically derived macrophage takes over with age may explain the increased inflammation and reduced repair capacity seen in aging kidneys. More studies will help scientists to understand how these particular cells contribute to age-related changes in susceptibility to kidney disease.
pubmed: 32301704
doi: 10.7554/eLife.51756
pii: 51756
pmc: PMC7205460
Substances chimiques
CX3C Chemokine Receptor 1
Csf1r protein, mouse
Cx3cr1 protein, mouse
Receptors, Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor
Types de publication
Journal Article
Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : NIA NIH HHS
ID : R01 AG049745
Pays : United States
Organisme : NCRR NIH HHS
ID : S10 RR027528
Pays : United States
Organisme : NIAID NIH HHS
ID : R01 AI088100
Pays : United States
Informations de copyright
© 2020, Ide et al.
Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
SI, YY, YK, SS, KI, AW, SX, JP, SC, MS, BA, TS No competing interests declared
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