Revisit of solubility of oxytetracycline polymorphs. An old story in the light of new results.

Equilibrium solubility OTCH Polymorphism Shake-flask method µDISS Profiler


European journal of pharmaceutical sciences : official journal of the European Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences
ISSN: 1879-0720
Titre abrégé: Eur J Pharm Sci
Pays: Netherlands
ID NLM: 9317982

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
05 Apr 2020
received: 29 01 2020
revised: 09 03 2020
accepted: 28 03 2020
pubmed: 9 4 2020
medline: 9 4 2020
entrez: 9 4 2020
Statut: aheadofprint


In the literature the therapeutic nonequivalence of oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTCH) capsules and tablets was attributed to the different aqueous solubility of polymorphs without their comprehensive study. Our aim was to reveal the effects of polymorphism on equilibrium solubility, dissolution kinetics and the supersaturation of two OTCH polymorphs (stable Form A and metastable Form B).The equilibrium solubility was measured in biorelevant pH range 4-7.4 by the standardized saturation shake-flask method. We also studied the solubility in SGF at pH 1.2 and the effect of the pH change from 1.2 to 5.0 on solubility. The dissolution was studied using real-time concentration monitoring with an ATR probe attached to a UV spectrophotometer (µDISS Profiler). A wide spectrum of solid phase analysis methods (SEM, IR, XRPD, Raman) was applied for characterization of polymorphs and to identify which form is present at the equilibrium solubility. Identical equilibrium solubility values were obtained at the same pHs in region 4.0-7.4 using the two polymorphs as starting materials. The XRPD analysis of the isolated solid phases proved that both polymorphic forms were converted to dihydrate form. In situ monitoring of the dissolution at pH 5.0 showed immediate dissolution, no difference in supersaturation, and short equilibration time for both forms indicating the immediate conversion. In SGF (pH 1.2) Form B dissolved better than Form A and showed significantly different dissolution kinetic and stability. A long-lasting, false chain-citation stating that Form B dissolves 28x better in water than Form A, was cut by the present study (i) revealing that the cited data was measured in IPA not in water, and (ii) proving that only the intrinsic solubility of OTC dihydrate can be measured in water due to conversion of polymorphs under the experimental conditions of solubility measurement. However this conversion is inhibited below pH 1.5, so the differences in solubility and dissolution kinetic found at pH 1.2 may contribute to the interpretation of the different serum-levels reported at solid formulations.


pubmed: 32268199
pii: S0928-0987(20)30117-2
doi: 10.1016/j.ejps.2020.105328

Types de publication

Journal Article



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Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Dóra Tempfli (D)

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre u. 9., Budapest H-1092 Hungary.

Enikő Borbás (E)

Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rakpart 3., Budapest, H-1111, Hungary.

Hajnalka Pataki (H)

Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Műegyetem rakpart 3., Budapest, H-1111, Hungary.

Dóra Csicsák (D)

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre u. 9., Budapest H-1092 Hungary.

Gergely Völgyi (G)

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre u. 9., Budapest H-1092 Hungary.

Bálint Sinkó (B)

Pion Inc. Billerica, Massachusetts 01821, United States.

Krisztina Takács-Novák (K)

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Semmelweis University, Hőgyes Endre u. 9., Budapest H-1092 Hungary. Electronic address:

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