Consolidation of Nath's torsional mechanism of ATP synthesis and two-ion theory of energy coupling in oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation.

Bioenergetics Boyer's binding change mechanism of ATP synthesis Diffusible reactive oxygen species (DROS) Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory Molecular mechanism, thermodynamics, kinetics, and transport in ATP synthase Nath's torsional mechanism of energy transduction and ATP synthesis Nath's two-ion theory of energy coupling in ATP synthesis Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) Photophosphorylation (PHOTOPHOS) Photosynthesis


Biophysical chemistry
ISSN: 1873-4200
Titre abrégé: Biophys Chem
Pays: Netherlands
ID NLM: 0403171

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
02 2020
received: 08 11 2019
accepted: 08 11 2019
pubmed: 24 11 2019
medline: 14 1 2020
entrez: 24 11 2019
Statut: ppublish


In a recent publication, Manoj raises criticisms against consensus views on the ATP synthase. The radical statements and assertions are shown to contradict a vast body of available knowledge that includes i) pioneering single-molecule biochemical and biophysical studies from the respected experimental groups of Kinosita, Yoshida, Noji, Börsch, Dunn, Gräber, Frasch, and Dimroth etc., ii) state-of-the-art X-ray and EM/cryo-EM structural information garnered over the decades by the expert groups of Leslie-Walker, Kühlbrandt, Mueller, Meier, Rubinstein, Sazanov, Duncan, and Pedersen on ATP synthase, iii) the pioneering energy-based computer simulations of Warshel, and iv) the novel theoretical and experimental works of Nath. Valid objections against Mitchell's chemiosmotic theory and Boyer's binding change mechanism put forth by Manoj have been addressed satisfactorily by Nath's torsional mechanism of ATP synthesis and two-ion theory of energy coupling and published 10 to 20 years ago, but these papers are not cited by him. This communication shows conclusively and in great detail that none of his objections apply to Nath's mechanism/theory. Nath's theory is further consolidated based on its previous predictive record, its consistency with biochemical evidence, its unified nature, its application to other related energy transductions and to disease, and finally its ability to guide the design of new experiments. Some constructive suggestions for high-resolution structural experiments that have the power to delve into the heart of the matter and throw unprecedented light on the nature of coupled ion translocation in the membrane-bound F


pubmed: 31757522
pii: S0301-4622(19)30425-9
doi: 10.1016/j.bpc.2019.106279

Substances chimiques

Adenosine Triphosphate 8L70Q75FXE

Types de publication

Letter Comment



Sous-ensembles de citation




Commentaires et corrections

Type : CommentOn
Type : CommentOn

Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Sunil Nath (S)

Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, New Delhi 110016, India. Electronic address:

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