Intimomedial mucoid degeneration of the peripheral arteries.

Aneurysm Arterial disease Intimomedial mucoid degeneration Peripheral arteries


Journal of vascular surgery cases and innovative techniques
ISSN: 2468-4287
Titre abrégé: J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 101701125

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Dec 2019
received: 09 01 2019
accepted: 12 04 2019
entrez: 30 10 2019
pubmed: 30 10 2019
medline: 30 10 2019
Statut: epublish


Intimomedial mucoid degeneration, a rare vascular disorder characterized by mucinous deposition in the intima and media layers, causes aneurysmal degeneration of the vessel wall in young patients. Because of the potential for involvement of multiple vessels, these patients may require full body imaging and long-term follow-up. We describe three patients with intimomedial mucoid degeneration and variable clinical presentations. One patient presented emergently with a spontaneously ruptured nonaneurysmal subclavian artery; one patient presented with a known posterior tibial artery aneurysm and new onset of focal pain and paresthesias over the aneurysm; and one patient presented with a self-discovered dorsalis pedis artery aneurysm.


pubmed: 31660471
doi: 10.1016/j.jvscit.2019.04.005
pii: S2468-4287(19)30066-8
pmc: PMC6806643

Types de publication

Case Reports





Informations de copyright

© 2019 The Authors.


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Georgios Tzavellas (G)

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Division, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY.

Edvard Skripochnik (E)

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Division, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY.

David Landau (D)

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Division, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY.

Reese A Wain (RA)

Vascular Surgery Division, NYU Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY.

Apostolos K Tassiopoulos (AK)

Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Division, Stony Brook Medicine, Stony Brook, NY.

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