Ageing stereotypes and prodromal Alzheimer's disease (AGING): study protocol for an ongoing randomised clinical study.
Alzheimer disease
aging stereotypes
amyloid PET
mild cognitive impairment
stereotype threat
BMJ open
ISSN: 2044-6055
Titre abrégé: BMJ Open
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101552874
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
07 10 2019
07 10 2019
The number of older people diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), the prodromal state of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is increasing worldwide. However, some patients with aMCI never convert to the AD type of dementia, with some remaining stable and others reverting to normal. This overdiagnosis bias has been largely overlooked and gone unexplained. There is ample evidence in the laboratory that negative ageing stereotypes (eg, the culturally shared belief that ageing inescapably causes severe cognitive decline) contribute to the deteriorating cognitive performances of healthy older adults, leading them to perform below their true abilities. The study described here is intended to test for the first time whether such stereotypes also impair patients' cognitive performances during neuropsychological examinations in memory clinics, resulting in overdiagnosis of aMCI. The ongoing study is a 4-year randomised clinical trial comparing patients' physiological stress and cognitive performances during neuropsychological testing in memory clinics. A total of 260 patients attending their first cognitive evaluation will be randomised to either a standard condition of test administration, assumed here to implicitly activate negative ageing stereotypes or a reduced-threat instruction condition designed to alleviate the anxiety arising from these stereotypes. Both groups will be tested with the same test battery and stress biomarkers. For 30 patients diagnosed with aMCI in each group (n=60), biomarkers of neurodegeneration and amyloidopathy will be used to distinguish between aMCI with normal versus abnormal AD biomarkers. A 9-month follow-up will be performed on all patients to identify those whose cognitive performances remain stable, deteriorate or improve. This protocol has been approved by the French National Agency for Medicines and Health Products Safety and the Sud-Est I French Ethics Committee (2017-A00946-47). Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals. NCT03138018.
pubmed: 31594904
pii: bmjopen-2019-032265
doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032265
pmc: PMC6797355
Banques de données
Types de publication
Clinical Trial Protocol
Journal Article
Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Sous-ensembles de citation
José Broucraut
Boris Dufournet
Carine Giallo
Nadine Girard
Eric Guedj
Bernard François Michel
Nathalie Sambuchi
Pierre Branger
Julien Cogez
Sabine Fradin
Frédérique Grandhomme
Catherine Lalevée
Nadège Loisel
Olivier Martinaud
Alice Pélerin
Mélissa Pierre
Vincent de La Sayette
Alain Manrique
Vanessa Baudifier
Foucaud du Boisgueheneuc
Adrien Julian
Jean-Claude Lecron
Isabelle Merlet
Claudie Ornon
Marc Paccalin
Sandrine Bioux
Evangeline Bliaux
Didier Hannequin
Véronique Hannier
Maud Loubeyre
Dorothée Pouliquen
Muriel Quillard-Muraine
David Wallon
Aline Zaréa
Kim Gauthier
Béatrice Alescio-Lautier
Véronique Paban
Arnaud Weill
David Clarys
Michel Isingrini
Sandrine Kalenzaga
François Rigalleau
Ahmed Abbas
Julien Chavant
Béatrice Desgranges
Francis Eustache
Florence Fraisse
Mickael Laisney
Alexandrine Morand
Shailendra Segobin
Pierre Chausse
Frédéric Dutheil
Julien Guegan
Pascal Huguet
Guillaume Vallet
Sophie Blanchet
Pascale Piolino
Marie Mazerolle
Isabelle Régner
Informations de copyright
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.
Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
Competing interests: None declared.
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