The 100 most cited manuscripts in esophageal motility disorders: a bibliometric analysis.
Esophageal disease
bibliometric analysis
motility disorders
Annals of translational medicine
ISSN: 2305-5839
Titre abrégé: Ann Transl Med
Pays: China
ID NLM: 101617978
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Jul 2019
Jul 2019
The use of bibliometrics can help us identify the most impactful articles on a topic or scientific discipline and their influence on clinical practice. We aimed to identify the 100 most cited articles covering esophageal motility disorders and examine their key characteristics. The Web of Science database was utilized to perform the search, using predefined search terms. The returned dataset was filtered to include full manuscripts written in the English language. After screening, we identified the 100 most cited articles and analyzed them for title, year of publication, names of authors, institution, country of the first author, number of citations and citation rate. The initial search returned 29,521 results. The top 100 articles received a total of 20,688 citations. The most cited paper was by Inoue By analyzing the most influential articles, this work is a reference on the articles that shaped our understanding of esophageal motility disorders, thus serving as a guide for future research.
Sections du résumé
The use of bibliometrics can help us identify the most impactful articles on a topic or scientific discipline and their influence on clinical practice. We aimed to identify the 100 most cited articles covering esophageal motility disorders and examine their key characteristics.
The Web of Science database was utilized to perform the search, using predefined search terms. The returned dataset was filtered to include full manuscripts written in the English language. After screening, we identified the 100 most cited articles and analyzed them for title, year of publication, names of authors, institution, country of the first author, number of citations and citation rate.
The initial search returned 29,521 results. The top 100 articles received a total of 20,688 citations. The most cited paper was by Inoue
By analyzing the most influential articles, this work is a reference on the articles that shaped our understanding of esophageal motility disorders, thus serving as a guide for future research.
pubmed: 31475180
doi: 10.21037/atm.2019.06.34
pii: atm-07-14-310
pmc: PMC6694239
Types de publication
Journal Article
310Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
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