Association between dysphagia risk and unplanned hospitalization in older patients receiving home medical care.
Barthel Index
Dysphagia Severity Scale
Frailty Index
dysphagia risk
home medical care
Geriatrics & gerontology international
ISSN: 1447-0594
Titre abrégé: Geriatr Gerontol Int
Pays: Japan
ID NLM: 101135738
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
Oct 2019
Oct 2019
Home medical care for older adults with chronic conditions is becoming an increasing important issue in Japan. We need to support long-term medical care at home and avoid unplanned hospitalizations, which can adversely affect activities of daily living and quality of life. In this study, we investigated whether swallowing function is a risk for unplanned hospitalization in older patients with functional decline who are receiving home medical care. In the current study, we examined data obtained in the Observational study of Nagoya Elderly with HOme MEdical study (ONEHOME) that investigated the medical health of older adults receiving home medical care services in Nagoya City, Japan. The data analyzed were patients' age, sex, number of medications, Dysphagia Severity Scale, Charlson Comorbidity Index, Barthel Index, Mini Nutritional Assessment - Short Form, Frailty Index and dementia independent scale. The Dysphagia Severity Scale was categorized into the presence or absence of dysphagia risk. The association between dysphagia risk and days until first hospitalization was investigated by Cox regression analysis. In total, 86 out of 178 patients had a hospitalization during the study period of 4 years. Cox regression analysis with adjustment for age, sex, Charlson Comorbidity Index, Barthel Index and Mini Nutritional Assessment - Short Form scores showed that a lower Dysphagia Severity Scale score was significantly associated with unexpected hospitalization. Dysphagia risk predicts the first unexpected hospitalization in older individuals receiving home medical care. Patients' swallowing function is an important factor for estimating prognosis. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019; 19: 977-981.
Types de publication
Journal Article
Observational Study
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : Health Labour Sciences Research Grant
ID : H24YA003
Informations de copyright
© 2019 Japan Geriatrics Society.
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