Letermovir for Difficult to Treat Cytomegalovirus Infection in Lung Transplant Recipients.


ISSN: 1534-6080
Titre abrégé: Transplantation
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 0132144

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
02 2020
pubmed: 7 8 2019
medline: 30 9 2020
entrez: 7 8 2019
Statut: ppublish


Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infection remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality after lung transplantation. Treatment with currently available drugs poses treatment difficulties in some patients due to drug resistance or intolerability. We report a series of 4 lung transplant recipients with CMV-infection and treatment failure upon standard care due to antiviral drug resistance and treatment-limiting side effects. As rescue therapy letermovir recently approved for the prophylaxis of CMV-infection in patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was initiated. Patients received 480 mg/day for a follow up of 36.1 ± 12.9 weeks. Efficacy and tolerability were assessed retrospectively. Mild nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea were the only side effects of letermovir reported by a single patient. A small adjustment of the tacrolimus dose was mandatory upon treatment initiation with letermovir. CMV viral load could be decreased and cleared subsequently in all patients. CMV clearance was observed after 17.7 ± 12.6 weeks despite lack of CMV-immunity. CMV-infection and -disease were successfully managed with letermovir. Letermovir was well tolerated and effective in treating CMV-infections in lung transplant recipients failing on currently available antiviral agents.

Sections du résumé

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infection remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality after lung transplantation. Treatment with currently available drugs poses treatment difficulties in some patients due to drug resistance or intolerability.
We report a series of 4 lung transplant recipients with CMV-infection and treatment failure upon standard care due to antiviral drug resistance and treatment-limiting side effects. As rescue therapy letermovir recently approved for the prophylaxis of CMV-infection in patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation was initiated. Patients received 480 mg/day for a follow up of 36.1 ± 12.9 weeks. Efficacy and tolerability were assessed retrospectively.
Mild nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea were the only side effects of letermovir reported by a single patient. A small adjustment of the tacrolimus dose was mandatory upon treatment initiation with letermovir. CMV viral load could be decreased and cleared subsequently in all patients. CMV clearance was observed after 17.7 ± 12.6 weeks despite lack of CMV-immunity.
CMV-infection and -disease were successfully managed with letermovir. Letermovir was well tolerated and effective in treating CMV-infections in lung transplant recipients failing on currently available antiviral agents.


pubmed: 31385924
doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000002886
pii: 00007890-202002000-00031

Substances chimiques

Acetates 0
Antibodies, Viral 0
Quinazolines 0
letermovir 1H09Y5WO1F

Types de publication

Case Reports Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





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Tobias Veit (T)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Dieter Munker (D)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Teresa Kauke (T)

Department of Thoracic Surgery, University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Michael Zoller (M)

Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Munich, LMU, Munich, Germany.

Sebastian Michel (S)

Department of Cardiac Surgery, University of Munich, LMU, Munich, Germany.

Felix Ceelen (F)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Sanziana Schiopu (S)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Jürgen Barton (J)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Paola Arnold (P)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Katrin Milger (K)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Jürgen Behr (J)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Nikolaus Kneidinger (N)

Department of Internal Medicine V, Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

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