Invertebrate biodiversity in cold groundwater fissures in Iceland.

biofilm macrozoobenthos species assemblages spring substrate


Ecology and evolution
ISSN: 2045-7758
Titre abrégé: Ecol Evol
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101566408

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Jun 2019
received: 18 01 2019
revised: 05 04 2019
accepted: 08 04 2019
entrez: 26 6 2019
pubmed: 27 6 2019
medline: 27 6 2019
Statut: epublish


Iceland has an abundance of fissures that are parallel to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where bedrock cracks as a result of continental rifting. Some fissures penetrate the aquifer and expose the groundwater within the bedrock, becoming springs. As such, groundwater fissures have uniform and constant physical and chemical environment but they can differ greatly in morphology. In addition, there is often great variation in depth within fissures and substrate types contrast between vertical rock wall and more heterogenous horizontal bottom. The variation in morphological environment may create dissimilar habitats with unique characteristics and/or influence distribution of resources. Our objective was to study macrozoobenthos communities in cold groundwater fissures in Iceland in relation to physical habitat by comparing invertebrate diversity and density both between fissures with different morphological characteristics as well as between substrate types and depths within fissures. Samples were collected in two fissures in SW Iceland, Silfra and Flosagjá. Assemblages were similar between fissures except for higher densities of cladocerans in Flosagjá fissure. Within fissures, there was significant difference in Shannon diversity between substrate types in Flosagjá, and ostracods were found in significantly higher densities on the bottom. The distribution of all other taxa groups was homogenous in both fissures regardless of depth gradient and substrate. Invertebrates were found to be living within and around a biofilm that covered the entire substrate. These biofilm mats are made from Cyanobacteria and benthic diatoms, which are successful under low light conditions and may minimize any effect of the heterogeneous habitat creating a uniform and suitable microhabitat for invertebrates regardless of depth and substrate type.


pubmed: 31236230
doi: 10.1002/ece3.5213
pii: ECE35213
pmc: PMC6580298

Banques de données


Types de publication

Journal Article





Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

The authors declare no conflicts of interests.


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Jónína H Ólafsdóttir (JH)

Hólar University College Sauðárkrókur Iceland.
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland Reykjavík Iceland.

Jóhann G Þorbjörnsson (JG)

Hólar University College Sauðárkrókur Iceland.
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland Reykjavík Iceland.

Bjarni K Kristjánsson (BK)

Hólar University College Sauðárkrókur Iceland.

Jón S Ólafsson (JS)

Marine and Freshwater Research Institute of Iceland Reykjavík Iceland.

Classifications MeSH