The Arterial Supply of the Distal Part of the Pancreas.


Surgery research and practice
ISSN: 2356-7759
Titre abrégé: Surg Res Pract
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 101628730

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 07 01 2019
accepted: 25 02 2019
entrez: 25 4 2019
pubmed: 25 4 2019
medline: 25 4 2019
Statut: epublish


The pancreatic surgery field has evolved greatly over the previous years. Nevertheless, the vascularization of the pancreas remains a difficult subject and requires further attention. The study was conducted using macroscopical dissection and corrosion cast methods. The total number of organ blocks was 72 (50 for dissection and 22 for corrosion cast). Based on the data obtained by dissection, we can distinguish three major types of vascularization of the distal pancreas. In type one, the pancreas was vascularized only by the short branches of the splenic artery and was encountered in 18 cases (36%). In type two, the pancreas was vascularized by the long and short branches of the splenic artery and was encountered in 20 cases (40%). In type three, the pancreas was vascularized only by the long branches of the splenic artery in 12 cases (24%). Compared to that, the corrosion cast method demonstrated type 1 in 8 cases (36.36%), type 2 in 10 cases (45.46%), and type 3 in 4 cases (18.18%). During the dissection, there were no arteries to the tail of the pancreas in 13 (26%) cases, one artery in 15 (30%) cases, two arteries in 19 (38%), and three arteries in three (6%) cases. The 22 corrosion cast specimens were also evaluated based on the classification of Roman Ramos and coworkers. Type I (small arcades) was in 9 (40.90%) cases, type II (small and large arcades) was in 7 (31.82%) cases, type III (large arcades) was in 5 (22.73%) cases, and type IV (straight branches) was in 1 (4.55%) case. The corrosion cast method allowed us to determine no arteries to the tail in 4 (18.18%) cases, one artery in 6 (27.27%) cases, two arteries in 10 (45.46%) cases and three arteries in two (9.09%) cases. The vascularization of the distal part of the pancreas is highly variable and should be taken into consideration during surgery.


pubmed: 31016226
doi: 10.1155/2019/5804047
pmc: PMC6446113

Types de publication

Journal Article






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S Covantev (S)

Laboratory of Allergology and Clinical Immunology, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Moldova.

N Mazuruc (N)

Department of Human Anatomy, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Moldova.

O Belic (O)

Department of Human Anatomy, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chisinau, Moldova.

Classifications MeSH