European Respiratory Society International Congress 2018: four shades of epidemiology and tobacco control.


ERJ open research
ISSN: 2312-0541
Titre abrégé: ERJ Open Res
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101671641

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Feb 2019
received: 17 11 2018
accepted: 16 01 2019
entrez: 9 3 2019
pubmed: 9 3 2019
medline: 9 3 2019
Statut: epublish


In this article, early career members and experienced members of the Epidemiology and Environment Assembly of the European Respiratory Society highlight and summarise a selection of six sessions from the Society's annual congress, which in 2018 was held in Paris, France. The topics covered in these sessions span from cutting-edge molecular epidemiology of lung function to clinical, occupational and environmental epidemiology of respiratory disease, and from emergent tobacco products to tobacco control.


pubmed: 30847352
doi: 10.1183/23120541.00217-2018
pii: 00217-2018
pmc: PMC6397917

Types de publication

Journal Article Review



Déclaration de conflit d'intérêts

Conflict of interest: M. de Vries has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: E.L. Axson has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: J. Ratanachina has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: O. Dumas has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: S. De Matteis has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: A. Bédard reports ERS Young Scientist sponsorship and an ERS Long Term Fellowship (LTRF 2015-5838), outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: C. Roda reports grants from the European Commission/European Respiratory Society outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: S. Moitra reports a Long Term Research Fellowship (LTRF 201701-0088) from the European Respiratory Society, ERS Young Scientist 2018 sponsorship, an editorial honorarium from Lancet Respiratory Medicine, faculty remuneration from the European Respiratory Society, an editorial honorarium from Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews and a nonfinancial honorarium from Oxford Publications, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: E. Dagli has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: A. Dimanti has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: A.G. Dilektasli has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: S. Ravara has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: A.F.S. Amaral has nothing to disclose.


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Maaike de Vries (M)

University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, Dept of Epidemiology, Groningen, The Netherlands.
University of Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen Research Institute for Asthma and COPD (GRIAC), Groningen, The Netherlands.

Eleanor L Axson (EL)

Population Health and Occupational Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.

Jate Ratanachina (J)

Population Health and Occupational Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand.
Dept of Preventive and Social Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Orianne Dumas (O)

INSERM, U1168, VIMA: Aging and chronic diseases, Epidemiological and Public Health Approaches, Villejuif, France.
Universite de Versailles St-Quentin-en-Yvelines, UMR-S 1168, Montigny le Bretonneux, France.

Sara De Matteis (S)

Population Health and Occupational Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.

Annabelle Bédard (A)

ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain.
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain.

Célina Roda (C)

ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain.
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain.
INSERM U1153, HERA team: Health Environmental Risk Assessment, Paris Descartes University, Paris Faculty of Pharmacy, Paris, France.

Subhabrata Moitra (S)

ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona, Spain.
CIBER Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Barcelona, Spain.

Elif Dagli (E)

Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Athina Dimanti (A)

Midwifery Department of University of West Attica, Athens, Greece.
Dept of Critical Care and Pulmonary Services, University of Athens Medical School, Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece.

Asli Gorek Dilektasli (AG)

Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine, Bursa, Turkey.

Sofia Ravara (S)

Health Sciences Research Centre (CICS-UBI), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Beira Interior, Covilha, Portugal.
Public Health Research Centre, National School of Public Health, NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal.
CHUCB, University Hospital, Covilha, Portugal.

André F S Amaral (AFS)

Population Health and Occupational Disease, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, UK.

Classifications MeSH