The Role of Prior Achievement as an Antecedent to Student Homework Engagement.

academic achievement behavioral engagement cognitive engagement homework motivational engagement primary education


Frontiers in psychology
ISSN: 1664-1078
Titre abrégé: Front Psychol
Pays: Switzerland
ID NLM: 101550902

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
received: 14 11 2018
accepted: 15 01 2019
entrez: 19 2 2019
pubmed: 19 2 2019
medline: 19 2 2019
Statut: epublish


The benefits of homework on student learning and academic achievement, to a large extent, depend on the degree of student engagement. Motivational engagement (my intention or why I do the homework), cognitive engagement (how I get involved in homework), and behavioral engagement (how much homework I do, how much time I devote to it, how I manage that time) are key aspects that condition the quality of the process of doing homework, learning, and academic achievement. Prior academic achievement is one of the variables that seems to be positively related to student engagement (both due its motivational component and to the training to do homework). The main purpose of this work was to study in detail this relationship in students of the last stage of Primary Education (


pubmed: 30774613
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00140
pmc: PMC6367270

Types de publication

Journal Article






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Isabel Piñeiro (I)

Department of Psychology, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Iris Estévez (I)

Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Carlos Freire (C)

Department of Psychology, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Ana de Caso (A)

Department of Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy, University of León, León, Spain.

Alba Souto (A)

Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Mercedes González-Sanmamed (M)

Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, University of A Coruña, A Coruña, Spain.

Classifications MeSH