Qualitative and quantitative differences in the subgingival microbiome of the restored and unrestored teeth.


Journal of periodontal research
ISSN: 1600-0765
Titre abrégé: J Periodontal Res
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 0055107

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Aug 2019
received: 11 06 2018
revised: 18 12 2018
accepted: 13 01 2019
pubmed: 9 2 2019
medline: 10 1 2020
entrez: 9 2 2019
Statut: ppublish


Metal-based dental restorations with a subgingival outline may enhance plaque accumulation and bacterial colonization. This study aimed to investigate whether metal-based restorations influence the composition of subgingival microbiome. Per subject one site with a metal-based restoration and one contra-lateral site without a restoration were selected on basis of radiographic bone loss ≤2 mm, restoration outline at sulcus level/subgingivally, pocket depth ≤4 mm, and no root canal treatments. Subgingival samples were collected with sterile paper-points, and microbial profiles were obtained by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Restorations were sampled with an Arkansas-stone and the metal composition was determined using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. A total of 22 sites from 11 subjects were included. No significant differences for the clinical parameters were found between the restored and unrestored sites. The average age of the restorations was 14.9 ± 7.1 years. Firmicutes was the most prevalent phylum at the restored sites (32% vs 20% of the reads of the unrestored sites, P = 0.016), and Actinobacteria at the unrestored sites (33% vs 18% of the reads of the restored sites, P = 0.01). Overall, sequences clustered into 573 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Species richness of the restored sites was significantly higher than species richness of the unrestored sites (117 ± 32 and 96 ± 20 OTUs, respectively, P = 0.013). No associations between the metal composition and bacterial profiles were found. This study shows that metal-based restorations may enhance colonization of Firmicutes and the neighboring pocket may harbor more diverse microbial communities.

Sections du résumé

Metal-based dental restorations with a subgingival outline may enhance plaque accumulation and bacterial colonization. This study aimed to investigate whether metal-based restorations influence the composition of subgingival microbiome.
Per subject one site with a metal-based restoration and one contra-lateral site without a restoration were selected on basis of radiographic bone loss ≤2 mm, restoration outline at sulcus level/subgingivally, pocket depth ≤4 mm, and no root canal treatments. Subgingival samples were collected with sterile paper-points, and microbial profiles were obtained by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Restorations were sampled with an Arkansas-stone and the metal composition was determined using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
A total of 22 sites from 11 subjects were included. No significant differences for the clinical parameters were found between the restored and unrestored sites. The average age of the restorations was 14.9 ± 7.1 years. Firmicutes was the most prevalent phylum at the restored sites (32% vs 20% of the reads of the unrestored sites, P = 0.016), and Actinobacteria at the unrestored sites (33% vs 18% of the reads of the restored sites, P = 0.01). Overall, sequences clustered into 573 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Species richness of the restored sites was significantly higher than species richness of the unrestored sites (117 ± 32 and 96 ± 20 OTUs, respectively, P = 0.013). No associations between the metal composition and bacterial profiles were found.
This study shows that metal-based restorations may enhance colonization of Firmicutes and the neighboring pocket may harbor more diverse microbial communities.


pubmed: 30734922
doi: 10.1111/jre.12642
pmc: PMC6766957

Substances chimiques

Dental Materials 0
Metals 0
RNA, Ribosomal, 16S 0

Types de publication

Comparative Study Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Organisme : ACTA Amsterdam
Organisme : University of Amsterdam for the focal point "Oral infection and inflammation"
ID : 2010CU1746

Informations de copyright

© 2019 The Authors. Journal of Periodontal Research Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Steven W H Rademacher (SWH)

Department of Periodontology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Egija Zaura (E)

Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Cornelis J Kleverlaan (CJ)

Department of Dental Materials, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Mark J Buijs (MJ)

Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Wim Crielaard (W)

Department of Preventive Dentistry, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Bruno G Loos (BG)

Department of Periodontology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Marja L Laine (ML)

Department of Periodontology, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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