Neurosurgery on the web: an analysis of the web-visibility of the European Neurosurgical Societies.


Journal of neurosurgical sciences
ISSN: 1827-1855
Titre abrégé: J Neurosurg Sci
Pays: Italy
ID NLM: 0432557

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
Feb 2022
pubmed: 7 2 2019
medline: 25 2 2022
entrez: 7 2 2019
Statut: ppublish


Nowadays, internet provides a great opportunity that allows the research community to constantly increase their scientific collaboration, together with information distribution. Aim of this study is to investigate the European National Neurosurgical Societies (ENNS) web-visibility that represents the necessary basis for diffusion of neurosurgical knowledge to both patients and neurosurgeons. We evaluated the web-visibility of each Neurosurgical Society affiliated to the European Associations of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS) using 3 different parameters: 1) the availability of the full list of all Neurosurgical Centers (NCs) of the country in each ENNS website; 2) the availability of a specific English-written section on the ENNS web-site; and 3) the availability of at least one section titled "news and events" and/or "educational" and/or "patient info" on the ENNS website. The web-visibility was categorized in significant (at least 2 out of 3 items fulfilled), not significant (1 out of 3 only) and insufficient (all not fulfilled). We also evaluated the web-visibility of single NCs, and the availability on the web of society's sections dealing with specific neurosurgical topics for each ENNS. Through the EANS Website we identified 38 ENNS. The rate of ENNS with significant web-visibility was 39%, while 24% of ENNS showed to have a not-significant web-visibility, while 37% had an insufficient visibility. The most unattended criterion was the availability of an English-written section of the website. Among ENNS with a significant web-visibility, this specific criterion was fulfilled in only 53% of cases. This percentage goes down to the 22% for ENNS with a non-significant web-visibility. The full list of NCs was available in 87% of cases for significant profiles and in zero cases for not-significant ones. Finally, the web-visibility rate of single NCs among different ENNS was 80%. Specific sections focusing on specific neurosurgical topics were available in 5 out of 38 ENNS websites (13%). This study highlighted the importance of increasing the ENNS web-visibility to spread the neurosurgical knowledge for patients, neurosurgeons and trainees. This could lead to an easier ENNS interaction, increasing the international collaboration between neurosurgical centers in the clinical, research and educational settings.


pubmed: 30724056
pii: S0390-5616.19.04637-X
doi: 10.23736/S0390-5616.19.04637-X

Types de publication

Journal Article



Sous-ensembles de citation





Antonino Scibilia (A)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Giovanni Raffa (G)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy -

Stefano M Priola (SM)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Felice Esposito (F)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Filippo F Angileri (FF)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Salvatore M Cardali (SM)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

Antonino Germanò (A)

Division of Neurosurgery, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.

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