Indirect to Direct Gap Crossover in Two-Dimensional InSe Revealed by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy.

2D materials ARPES density functional theory indium selenide photoluminescence spin−orbit coupling


ACS nano
ISSN: 1936-086X
Titre abrégé: ACS Nano
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 101313589

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
26 Feb 2019
pubmed: 25 1 2019
medline: 25 1 2019
entrez: 25 1 2019
Statut: ppublish


Atomically thin films of III-VI post-transition metal chalcogenides (InSe and GaSe) form an interesting class of two-dimensional semiconductors that feature a strong variation of their band gap as a function of the number of layers in the crystal and, specifically for InSe, an expected crossover from a direct gap in the bulk to a weakly indirect band gap in monolayers and bilayers. Here, we apply angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with submicrometer spatial resolution (μARPES) to visualize the layer-dependent valence band structure of mechanically exfoliated crystals of InSe. We show that for one-layer and two-layer InSe the valence band maxima are away from the Γ-point, forming an indirect gap, with the conduction band edge known to be at the Γ-point. In contrast, for six or more layers the band gap becomes direct, in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The high-quality monolayer and bilayer samples enable us to resolve, in the photoluminescence spectra, the band-edge exciton (A) from the exciton (B) involving holes in a pair of deeper valence bands, degenerate at Γ, with a splitting that agrees with both μARPES data and the results of DFT modeling. Due to the difference in symmetry between these two valence bands, light emitted by the A-exciton should be predominantly polarized perpendicular to the plane of the two-dimensional crystal, which we have verified for few-layer InSe crystals.


pubmed: 30676744
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.8b08726

Types de publication

Journal Article






Matthew J Hamer (MJ)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Johanna Zultak (J)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Anastasia V Tyurnina (AV)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Viktor Zólyomi (V)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Daniel Terry (D)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Alexei Barinov (A)

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste , S.C.p.A., Basovizza ( TS ), 34149 , Italy.

Alistair Garner (A)

School of Materials , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Jack Donoghue (J)

School of Materials , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Aidan P Rooney (AP)

School of Materials , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Viktor Kandyba (V)

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste , S.C.p.A., Basovizza ( TS ), 34149 , Italy.

Alessio Giampietri (A)

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste , S.C.p.A., Basovizza ( TS ), 34149 , Italy.

Abigail Graham (A)

Department of Physics , University of Warwick , Coventry , CV4 7AL , U.K.

Natalie Teutsch (N)

Department of Physics , University of Warwick , Coventry , CV4 7AL , U.K.

Xue Xia (X)

Department of Physics , University of Warwick , Coventry , CV4 7AL , U.K.

Maciej Koperski (M)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Sarah J Haigh (SJ)

National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
School of Materials , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Vladimir I Fal'ko (VI)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
Henry Royce Institute , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Roman V Gorbachev (RV)

School of Physics and Astronomy , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
National Graphene Institute , University of Manchester , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.
Henry Royce Institute , Oxford Road , Manchester , M13 9PL , U.K.

Neil R Wilson (NR)

Department of Physics , University of Warwick , Coventry , CV4 7AL , U.K.

Classifications MeSH