Detachment Dynamics of Graphene Nanoribbons on Gold.

graphene nanoribbons manipulation moiré pattern nanocontacts nanomechanics


ACS nano
ISSN: 1936-086X
Titre abrégé: ACS Nano
Pays: United States
ID NLM: 101313589

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
22 Jan 2019
pubmed: 12 12 2018
medline: 12 12 2018
entrez: 12 12 2018
Statut: ppublish


Metal-surface physisorbed graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) constitute mobile nanocontacts whose interest is simultaneously mechanical, electronic, and tribological. Previous work showed that GNRs adsorbed on Au(111) generally slide smoothly and superlubrically owing to the incommensurability of their structures. We address here the nanomechanics of detachment, as realized when one end is picked up and lifted by an AFM cantilever. AFM nanomanipulations and molecular-dynamics (MD) simulations identify two successive regimes, characterized by (i) a progressively increasing local bending, accompanied by the smooth sliding of the adhered part, followed by (ii) a stick-slip dynamics involving sudden bending relaxation associated with intermittent jumps of the remaining adhered GNR segment and tail end. AFM measurements of the vertical force exhibit oscillations which, compared with MD simulations, can be associated with the successive detachment of individual GNR unit cells of length 0.42 nm. Extra modulations within one single period are caused by steplike advancements of the still-physisorbed part of the GNR. The sliding of the incommensurate moiré pattern that accompanies the GNR lifting generally yields an additional long-period oscillation: while almost undetectable when the GNR is aligned in the standard "R30" orientation on Au(111), we predict that such feature should become prominent in the alternative rotated "R0" orientation on the same surface, or on a different surface, such as perhaps Ag(111).


pubmed: 30525461
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.8b07894

Types de publication

Journal Article






Lorenzo Gigli (L)

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) , Via Bonomea 265 , 34136 Trieste , Italy.

Shigeki Kawai (S)

International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics , National Institute for Materials Science , 1-1, Namiki , Tsukuba , Ibaraki 305-0044 , Japan.

Roberto Guerra (R)

Dipartimento di Fisica , Università degli Studi di Milano , Via Celoria 16 , 20133 Milano , Italy.
Center for Complexity and Biosystems , University of Milan , 20133 Milan , Italy.

Nicola Manini (N)

Dipartimento di Fisica , Università degli Studi di Milano , Via Celoria 16 , 20133 Milano , Italy.

Rémy Pawlak (R)

Department of Physics , University of Basel , Klingelbergstr. 82 , CH-4056 Basel , Switzerland.

Xinliang Feng (X)

Department of Chemistry and Food Chemistry, Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (CFAED) , Technische Universität Dresden , 01062 Dresden , Germany.

Klaus Müllen (K)

Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research , 55124 Mainz , Germany.

Pascal Ruffieux (P)

nanotech@surfaces Laboratory , Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology , Überlandstrasse 129 , 8600 Dübendorf , Switzerland.

Roman Fasel (R)

nanotech@surfaces Laboratory , Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology , Überlandstrasse 129 , 8600 Dübendorf , Switzerland.

Erio Tosatti (E)

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) , Via Bonomea 265 , 34136 Trieste , Italy.
CNR-IOM Democritos National Simulation Center , Via Bonomea 265 , 34136 Trieste , Italy.
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) , Strada Costiera 11 , 34151 Trieste , Italy.

Ernst Meyer (E)

Department of Physics , University of Basel , Klingelbergstr. 82 , CH-4056 Basel , Switzerland.

Andrea Vanossi (A)

International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) , Via Bonomea 265 , 34136 Trieste , Italy.
CNR-IOM Democritos National Simulation Center , Via Bonomea 265 , 34136 Trieste , Italy.

Classifications MeSH