A Genome-wide Association Study Identifying RAP1A as a Novel Susceptibility Gene for Crohn's Disease in Japanese Individuals.
Crohn’s disease
susceptibility gene
Journal of Crohn's & colitis
ISSN: 1876-4479
Titre abrégé: J Crohns Colitis
Pays: England
ID NLM: 101318676
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
26 Apr 2019
26 Apr 2019
Genome-wide association studies [GWASs] of European populations have identified numerous susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease [CD]. Susceptibility genes differ by ethnicity, however, so GWASs specific for Asian populations are required. This study aimed to clarify the Japanese-specific genetic background for CD by a GWAS using the Japonica array [JPA] and subsequent imputation with the 1KJPN reference panel. Two independent Japanese case/control sets (Tohoku region [379 CD patients, 1621 controls] and Kyushu region [334 CD patients, 462 controls]) were included. GWASs were performed separately for each population, followed by a meta-analysis. Two additional replication sets [254 + 516 CD patients and 287 + 565 controls] were analysed for top hit single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs] from novel genomic regions. Genotype data of 4 335 144 SNPs from 713 Japanese CD patients and 2083 controls were analysed. SNPs located in TNFSF15 (rs78898421, Pmeta = 2.59 × 10-26, odds ratio [OR] = 2.10), HLA-DQB1 [rs184950714, pmeta = 3.56 × 10-19, OR = 2.05], ZNF365, and 4p14 loci were significantly associated with CD in Japanese individuals. Replication analyses were performed for four novel candidate loci [p <1 × 10-6], and rs488200 located upstream of RAP1A was significantly associated with CD [pcombined = 4.36 × 10-8, OR = 1.31]. Transcriptome analysis of CD4+ effector memory T cells from lamina propria mononuclear cells of CD patients revealed a significant association of rs488200 with RAP1A expression. RAP1A is a novel susceptibility locus for CD in the Japanese population.
Sections du résumé
Genome-wide association studies [GWASs] of European populations have identified numerous susceptibility loci for Crohn's disease [CD]. Susceptibility genes differ by ethnicity, however, so GWASs specific for Asian populations are required. This study aimed to clarify the Japanese-specific genetic background for CD by a GWAS using the Japonica array [JPA] and subsequent imputation with the 1KJPN reference panel.
Two independent Japanese case/control sets (Tohoku region [379 CD patients, 1621 controls] and Kyushu region [334 CD patients, 462 controls]) were included. GWASs were performed separately for each population, followed by a meta-analysis. Two additional replication sets [254 + 516 CD patients and 287 + 565 controls] were analysed for top hit single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs] from novel genomic regions.
Genotype data of 4 335 144 SNPs from 713 Japanese CD patients and 2083 controls were analysed. SNPs located in TNFSF15 (rs78898421, Pmeta = 2.59 × 10-26, odds ratio [OR] = 2.10), HLA-DQB1 [rs184950714, pmeta = 3.56 × 10-19, OR = 2.05], ZNF365, and 4p14 loci were significantly associated with CD in Japanese individuals. Replication analyses were performed for four novel candidate loci [p <1 × 10-6], and rs488200 located upstream of RAP1A was significantly associated with CD [pcombined = 4.36 × 10-8, OR = 1.31]. Transcriptome analysis of CD4+ effector memory T cells from lamina propria mononuclear cells of CD patients revealed a significant association of rs488200 with RAP1A expression.
RAP1A is a novel susceptibility locus for CD in the Japanese population.
pubmed: 30500874
pii: 5219031
doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjy197
pmc: PMC7458277
Substances chimiques
RAP1A protein, human
rap1 GTP-Binding Proteins
Types de publication
Journal Article
Sous-ensembles de citation
Organisme : NIDDK NIH HHS
ID : R21 DK108140
Pays : United States
Informations de copyright
Copyright © 2018 European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO). Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
For permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.com.
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