A touching Sight: EEG/ERP correlates for the vicarious processing of affectionate touch.


Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior
ISSN: 1973-8102
Titre abrégé: Cortex
Pays: Italy
ID NLM: 0100725

Informations de publication

Date de publication:
02 2019
received: 25 06 2018
revised: 28 08 2018
accepted: 08 10 2018
pubmed: 13 11 2018
medline: 31 3 2020
entrez: 13 11 2018
Statut: ppublish


Observers can simulate aspects of other people's tactile experiences. We asked whether they do so when faced with full-body social interactions, whether emerging representations go beyond basic sensorimotor mirroring, and whether they depend on processing goals and inclinations. In an EEG/ERP study, we presented line-drawn, dyadic interactions with and without affectionate touch. In an explicit and an implicit task, participants categorized images into touch versus no-touch and same versus opposite sex interactions, respectively. Modulations of central Rolandic rhythms implied that affectionate touch displays engaged sensorimotor mechanisms. Additionally, the late positive potential (LPP) being larger for images with as compared to without touch pointed to an involvement of higher order socio-affective mechanisms. Task and sex modulated touch perception. Sensorimotor responding, indexed by Rolandic rhythms, was fairly independent of the task but appeared less effortful in women than in men. Touch induced socio-affective responding, indexed by the LPP, declined from explicit to implicit processing in women and disappeared in men. In sum, this study provides first evidence that vicarious touch from full-body social interactions entails shared sensorimotor as well as socio-affective experiences. Yet, mental representations of touch at a socio-affective level are more likely when touch is goal relevant and observers are female. Together, these results outline the conditions under which touch in visual media may be usefully employed to socially engage observers.


pubmed: 30419352
pii: S0010-9452(18)30330-7
doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2018.10.005

Types de publication

Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't



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Informations de copyright

Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Annett Schirmer (A)

Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Brain and Mind Institute, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Center for Cognition and Brain Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Electronic address: schirmer@cuhk.edu.hk.

Francis McGlone (F)

School of Natural Sciences & Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK; Institute of Psychology, Health & Society, University of Liverpool, UK.

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