Social inhibition and emotional distress in patients with coronary artery disease: The Type D personality construct.
Type D personality
coronary artery disease
emotional distress
social inhibition
Journal of health psychology
ISSN: 1461-7277
Titre abrégé: J Health Psychol
Pays: England
ID NLM: 9703616
Informations de publication
Date de publication:
12 2019
12 2019
We examined the validity of the social inhibition component of Type D, its distinctiveness from negative affectivity, and value regarding emotional distress as measured with the DS14 in 173 coronary artery disease patients. In dimensional analysis, social inhibition and negative affectivity emerged as distinct traits. Analysis of continuous negative affectivity and social inhibition measures showed main effects for several emotional and inhibition markers and an interaction effect for social anxiety. Categorical analysis indicated that Type D patients reported more depression, negative mood, social anxiety, and less positive mood. Social inhibition is not a redundant trait, but has additional conceptual value.
pubmed: 28810489
doi: 10.1177/1359105317709513
pmc: PMC6749748
Types de publication
Journal Article
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